Friday 28 February 2014

Group Business Plan

We have been asked to think about what we want to do when we leave here. 

Our options are:
Working in a Studio
Going into Partnership
Setting up a Studio.

We will need to look at within the groups once set up...
A potential business plan
Where we would work from? Bedroom, Office, Creative Studio.
Where will my clients come from?
How much do I charge?
How much will I be paid?
What will I need?
Do I pay Tax/VAT etc...?

We need to give our business a name.
Divide tasks to each members in the group.
Have regular meetings, to achieve an agreed action plan.
You need to elect a manager to control the exercises & make sure tasks are getting done.
Research is key.

Presentations should be as professional as can be.
You will have to arrange who is going to present it. If ll portion out each division for people to talk and answer an questions to.
You need to be serious

We was given the task to join a group of up to 5 to create a business plan to present to our peers. 

So we had to have our groups by the week after with a 

This is what we have to consider
  • What skills and services do you have to offer?
  • Who is your target market?
  • Who is your competition and how will you compete?
  • What are your costs, charges and financial considerations?
  • How will you structure your studio?
  • Who will be responsible for what?
  • How will you promote your services? To who? Using what media?

We have created a group & my team members are:

Danielle Harrison
Sarah Goldthorpe
Daisy Conway
Anthony White

We have decided that we are going to be a branding studio due to this can be from very low to high standard clients. Therefore our starting point can be in the horizon. We are going to be based in Leeds due to Leeds been a new up coming city. And we all know Leeds to its full potential.

We have divided up tasks to do...

My tasks are to see how much it would cost to set up a business?
And who is going to be our main competition.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Morrisons Progress Crit

In this critique we had to crit a pairs work and then present them with the feedback, we had to crit Sarah & Caitlin's work. We felt very confused and overwhelmed with the info that they was going to try and put on their boards this was something that we made a big focus on our presentation to them. We told them what we thought the strongest element was and that they should focus on that as this was a very strong concept.

Daisy & Emily critiqued mine and Sam's work here is the feedback sheet:

We found this feedback very helpful and brought up factors that we didn't think of, although some points where confusing as they was not very well explained. Also some points we didn't agree with and maybe believe that they didn't fully understand the brief and therefore they told us feedback that wasn't correct.

Although, when they was presenting our feedback they seemed very involved in the concept and passionate which makes me believe that this is a strong concept and therefore a very good basis. Although, we still do need to do a lot of designing. We have a logo and colour scheme to work from  so therefore this is the branding of the event and therefore something to work from so the design should be somewhat consistant. 

I feel that the consistency will be well controlled due to us working in different medias and therefore some layouts have to be changed.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Studio Brief One Group Critique

So we was put into groups and we had to take it in turns to tell others about our work but not give feedback then. Then when everyone had told everyone then this is when we would go round and look at each others work so we could take it in and give better feedback. I do think this was beneficial and the feedback was more in depth and true representation.

So the questions I wanted to ask are:

1) What packaging net should I use if it is going to be an issue of the magazine?
2) Which layouts do you think work best?
3) Do you think the format the content like:
               1.  Introduction
                    7 Events of Cinema

               2.  7 Events of Cinema
                    Tourism Cinema

4) Do you think the size is appropriate or should it be bigger? A5? A4?
5) Any suggestions or feedback?
6) What do you think about the colour scheme red, black & white?

My Feedback:

I think a simple sleeve would work best. MAybe have the sleeve like a film reel?
Maybe look at a flatter packaging net like an envelope or flat popcorn box? x3

The chose two out of the four possible layouts. 

I like the idea of potion 2 as it could encourage tourism.

I think the size is appropriate, because add ons always come small and not so big it overpowers the actual thing you are handing out.
Depends on the net you chose, the more succinct the better to include as an extra.
A5 is a decent size, although look into smaller so that people can put it into their pockets.
If people are going to have it in the cinema keep it the size it is.


Black, red & white would be strong & powerful for the magazine.