Thursday 31 January 2013

End Of Module Self Evaluation OUGD405

 Module Code 

 Module Title



Melissa Gater

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have learnt a lot of methods during this module as I have used screen printing for the first time which I think went quite well during the preparation of the screen and my printing technique was quite good although near the end the tape risen and the paint escaped out under tape, therefore left the gold on a splodge of the back of the wallet. The second thing I leant during this module, is how to use InDesign efficiently I haven’t used InDesign before and this was a valuable task as is it very similar to the other adobe programmes. As the ways of placing and grabbing the images and moving. Finally, I have also learnt how to create stickers by using printers and laser that we can access down in the digital dungeon.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

My approach to the design process module has been informative to my final result due to my research is a big part of my development as all my ideas come when researching more into the briefing set.
My time management skills I believe that I have dropped since the last brief which I think mainly the reason due to this is the hand-in of the essay as I don’t feel as well prepared for this hand-in compared the our first even though we have less things to hand in due to less briefs & long briefs set.
The Research brief has allowed me to use methods in printing and also to pay more attention to the brief due to the lack of concentrating on the brief and going off on a tangent.
The use of doing a large scale of ideas before starting your brief final has been very informative as you can develop while on paper which saves time than doing it while on screen in most cases.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

My strengths that I have realised whilst doing this brief is that I am quite organised as I do tasks on time and I intend to keep this up throughout my time here as I will use my diary to its full use, as I think it has been a great time management tool for myself. Therefore due to my organisation and time management I have met deadlines and had all my work at every critique. Another strength I believe that I have improved this time is allowing myself to try new things as I am quite held back when doing new methods and trying new techniques etc…

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I believe that I am just settling for a final design rather than spending time to finalise it as we have such a short period of time, so I need to allow my self for time to develop after critique over the weekend rather than setting myself other tasks to do. Also, although I have good time management skills I need to allow myself to blog my days events on the night and also within the blog taking better pictures by scanning and get in to the routine of putting where the images are from at the bottom of the picture. Another weakness of mine is that I need to make sure I read through the brief at every stage of my design process so therefore I know I am meeting the criteria, also making sure I have printed everything when set and not realising after my next stage of finalising the products.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Next time I would do lots of ideas but if I find a good idea that I want to stick on mid way through, I shouldn’t go on and do further ideas and waste time when I wont like them. Therefore I will have more time to develop my final idea when created digitally and then remember to screenshot my developments rather as I haven’t screen shot them this time and therefore can not show my development to how I got to my final opinion.
The second thing I would do differently is making sure I keep on reading through the brief to make sure I am following it and doing the right things instead of going on a tangent.  
Thirdly I need to keep my blogging up to date therefore can put research picture straight onto my blog and link them below, also blog a critique or a session is more fresh in your mind if you do it the same day rather than 1 or 2 days later and then forgetting important factors that I need to be putting.
The Fourth thing is that I maybe need to do less quantity and concentrate more on the quality of work rather than the amount of things I do. As my work on the final brief doesn’t look much of time taken due to the similar set up although it took a lot of time to do nets and the decision of typeface to use etc…
Finally I need to up my standard of work I don’t feel like I am producing the best I can be when I look at others I either need to be more confident about my work or develop my idea until I am happy with the level of the quality of my final piece.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor





Quantity of work produced

Quality of work produced

Contribution to the group

The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Product & Distribution Critiques

Product & Distribution Critiques


These are all the design ideas i had to take into my first critique. I knew i wanted to do a welcome package, and i thought i knew what I wanted to put inside it. But when i voiced my idea I was told to research more into innovative ideas rather than the bog old standard boring items. Although they was happy with idea as a whole.

The things the tutors and my peers told me about my idea was that i should look at Michel Berger Hotel in Berlin as they have an innovative package. And maybe adding in more interactive things they can keep such as sewing kits & comb etc....

This is a sheet we received at the end of the crit which i filled out when initially deciding on my idea.


The second brief was with a group of peers and no tutor. I expressed my thought and what i was proposing to do. They gave me a few ideas as i was unsure whether to re brand the Claridge's hotel or just make a totally new hotel. 
The things that was brought up was whether it was a replacement for the butlers service as they normally take them to the room so not necessarily a map needed. Also what else I could put in the room as little added touches such as shampoos and soap and also chocolates.
Therefore this brought to mind if i wanted to make all the things that are already part of the room or a welcome package or both. But then i thought it might cross over the distribution & packaging. They also mentioned that it would be best to keep the brand but maybe make a funny more laid back version for a less up market hotel therefore i would be able to do more innovative designs, which i researched from my last critique feedback. The last thing they mentioned was either gold foiling or screen printing gold ink.


This is what i wrote in the final critique we had on Friday. They was happy with amount of the work for the 3-week brief. And the professional look of the final piece although they didn't see any infographics which is therefore not meeting the brief. Which i do agree with as when i reflected on the feedback afterwards i did realise that i had got carried away with the welcome package and not answered the brief and therefore took it upon myself to produce another item where infographics was clearly present. And this is shown on my Design Practice blog.

My notes I have from this critique, i have put i need to look into what infographics could be as when looking at others work the infographics is very vague. But we couldn't ask questions after this blog. But i would have liked to ask the question whether the infographics has been across the whole brief or just evident within the hand in.

Thursday 3 January 2013

How to Get People to Read More?

This is the idea process and though that we did together. We decided on creating a story that you can follow the wall. To a destination, such as the library or to there school. We decided on making a story with quotes from people which will make children want to read.

Here are the images we are going to super impose on a wall, the illustrations was made by Danielle, the type was made by Emily as well as the set up and arrangement of them. While the quotes were chosen by Anna.

This is them creating the bookmarks and finishing them off, through cutting out and sticking the box together.

This is the bookmarks in the stand which will be at the end of the story at the destination they are suppose to be aiming to get. There is books they have to read at different levels they have to read on the back and tick them off then take it too the librarian and they get the next level up bookmark. This is also how we know it is working.

This is the posters to promote our design and idea for the children to join in, in the task. These were made by Anna.

These are the imposed art murals on the wall. These were done by Jasper and this is what it would look like on the walls if we actual did it.