Saturday 26 January 2013

Product & Distribution Critiques

Product & Distribution Critiques


These are all the design ideas i had to take into my first critique. I knew i wanted to do a welcome package, and i thought i knew what I wanted to put inside it. But when i voiced my idea I was told to research more into innovative ideas rather than the bog old standard boring items. Although they was happy with idea as a whole.

The things the tutors and my peers told me about my idea was that i should look at Michel Berger Hotel in Berlin as they have an innovative package. And maybe adding in more interactive things they can keep such as sewing kits & comb etc....

This is a sheet we received at the end of the crit which i filled out when initially deciding on my idea.


The second brief was with a group of peers and no tutor. I expressed my thought and what i was proposing to do. They gave me a few ideas as i was unsure whether to re brand the Claridge's hotel or just make a totally new hotel. 
The things that was brought up was whether it was a replacement for the butlers service as they normally take them to the room so not necessarily a map needed. Also what else I could put in the room as little added touches such as shampoos and soap and also chocolates.
Therefore this brought to mind if i wanted to make all the things that are already part of the room or a welcome package or both. But then i thought it might cross over the distribution & packaging. They also mentioned that it would be best to keep the brand but maybe make a funny more laid back version for a less up market hotel therefore i would be able to do more innovative designs, which i researched from my last critique feedback. The last thing they mentioned was either gold foiling or screen printing gold ink.


This is what i wrote in the final critique we had on Friday. They was happy with amount of the work for the 3-week brief. And the professional look of the final piece although they didn't see any infographics which is therefore not meeting the brief. Which i do agree with as when i reflected on the feedback afterwards i did realise that i had got carried away with the welcome package and not answered the brief and therefore took it upon myself to produce another item where infographics was clearly present. And this is shown on my Design Practice blog.

My notes I have from this critique, i have put i need to look into what infographics could be as when looking at others work the infographics is very vague. But we couldn't ask questions after this blog. But i would have liked to ask the question whether the infographics has been across the whole brief or just evident within the hand in.

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