Tuesday 15 October 2013

10 Things I have learnt & want to do this year?

So below is some things I said when I first started so I am going to evaluate these to see if I did do these and then also, write a new 10 that I wanted to do this level.

What i want to learn during this programme?

  • Real Industry restrictions etc...
  • In depth understanding of processes eg, design process etc...
  • High levels of standard on the full Adobe Package.
  • Self evaluation to achieve, great pieces of design.
  • Time management & Organisation skills

I think I am still very average on the adobe software skills and I still need to learn how to self evaluate to receive great design. Although, I do think I have a lot better understanding of the industry compared to when I first started and also have an indepth knowledge of the processes.


Things i consider to be my strengths?

  • Basic knowledge of Photoshop & Illustrator.
  • Taking on board critism and applying it to my work.
  • Evaluating work of others.
  • Using a variety of materials.
  • Working to deadlines.

When I considered these as my strengths I have realised that they wasn't quite. As when it came to using materials I have not used all the workshops available and I wasn't very good at taking on board criticism of my work as I thought it could be the best it could be and then people would find lots of negatives which I have now realised this is a good thing. Although, I have always been good to working with deadlines.


What i want to improve on this programme?

  • Processes such as screen printing etc...
  • Professionalism, how to step into industry feeling confident.
  • More indepth knowledge of type & layout.
  • More skills on Adobe Package.
  • My own strengths & weaknesses to become an individual.

I still am not fully confident on my knowledge of my strengths and weaknesses as I am still not sure in what I want to go into when I step into the industry. I do think I have improved my knowledge of type and layout through design principles etc.. Although I am still not ready to step out into industry hopefully this will come by the end of level 6. 

How can I evaluate my progress?

  • Ask others opinions on my work and develop upon their critism.
  • Look for a more wider range of resources & research to compare & evaluate against my own work.
  • Use the academic Diary.
  • Regularly use the blog for posting of work as can easily see progress within self or within a briefing.
  • Tutorials & tutors and take notes in crits.

I think in my progress I haven't asked other peoples opinions as much as I should have been I have been very embarrassed about my work but also the need of more work which when time was so short was difficult to fit it all in. I haven't used others work to evaluate my work and also kept blogger as an issue rather than doing it regularly so it become part of my daily routine.


Questions I want to find the answers to during my time at LCA?

  • What would help me become an individual?
  • What is a studio visit? What & Where can i go?
  • How should I present my self professionally?
  • How should I achieve a successful self evaluation?
  • Where do i want to do after the course/Whats the best place for my strengths?   

I have found only one answer to one of these questions which is what a studio visit although I am still not sure how you go about to get one of these. But all the other questions I have asked I would still ask again this year which is disappointing but I think I wasn't too sure what was achievable in one year.

10 things I want to learn & do this year.

1) I want to start looking in studios and experience so studio visit, to get a real feel for what it is like?
2) I want to get a placement for the summer time in a studio based near leeds for around 2-3 weeks.
3) I want to do more processes rather than just doing digital work all the time.
4) Want to use my crafting side also, as I didn't experiment last year.
5) I want to look at others work to criticise my own & show others see what they think as it will be beneficial.
6) I want to become an individual & what industries I prefer before I end this year.
7) I want to do every task to my fully ability and not waste time doing meaningful things.
8) Regularly blog every night rather than leaving it to build up.
9) Want the chance to be more noticed by entering live briefs & perusing clients.
10) I want to learn skills on the adobe suite that will benefit me in industry.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

10 Successes Since First Year.

We were split into groups for our critiques of the summer brief presentations. And then we were told to collaborate and make a list of around 10 successes as a whole the majority of people have achieved:

1. Passed first year.
2. Living alone/ learnt to be independant.
3. Learnt to cook.
4. Printing resources/ learnt to screen print etc..
5. Developed digital skills.
6. Learnt how to answer the brief/ structure process.
7. Built on confidence.
8. Improved personal & professional practice.
9. Improved literacy skills.
10. Balancing work on top of studys.
11. Prioritising briefs/ tasks.
12. Learnt how to integrate workshop skills into practice.

Then we came together as a class and brought together what we thought was the most 10 important successes, we have achieved as a group mainly:

1. Presentation skills.
2. Taking & giving critique.
3. Practical workshops.
4. Independent working/ creating a style.
5. Thorough thought processes/ development.
6. Understanding time management.
7. Been able to work in groups,  adhering specialisms.
8. Confidence/ motivational management.
9. Time management/ prioritising briefs.
10. Theory/ context.


10 successful things you want to be good at, at the end of second year:

1. Realisation of specialisms.
2. Time management been impeccable.
3. Further expanding my workshop skills.
4. Idea development more thorough and details shown.
5. Mind mapping at the beginning of briefing, not going with first thought.
6. More confidence of work.
7. Integrate paper craft into my work.
8. Establish a structured process to follow.
9. Finding more about industries and what path I would like to go down.
10. Look further into graphic design companies to gain work experience within.