Tuesday 1 October 2013

10 Successes Since First Year.

We were split into groups for our critiques of the summer brief presentations. And then we were told to collaborate and make a list of around 10 successes as a whole the majority of people have achieved:

1. Passed first year.
2. Living alone/ learnt to be independant.
3. Learnt to cook.
4. Printing resources/ learnt to screen print etc..
5. Developed digital skills.
6. Learnt how to answer the brief/ structure process.
7. Built on confidence.
8. Improved personal & professional practice.
9. Improved literacy skills.
10. Balancing work on top of studys.
11. Prioritising briefs/ tasks.
12. Learnt how to integrate workshop skills into practice.

Then we came together as a class and brought together what we thought was the most 10 important successes, we have achieved as a group mainly:

1. Presentation skills.
2. Taking & giving critique.
3. Practical workshops.
4. Independent working/ creating a style.
5. Thorough thought processes/ development.
6. Understanding time management.
7. Been able to work in groups,  adhering specialisms.
8. Confidence/ motivational management.
9. Time management/ prioritising briefs.
10. Theory/ context.


10 successful things you want to be good at, at the end of second year:

1. Realisation of specialisms.
2. Time management been impeccable.
3. Further expanding my workshop skills.
4. Idea development more thorough and details shown.
5. Mind mapping at the beginning of briefing, not going with first thought.
6. More confidence of work.
7. Integrate paper craft into my work.
8. Establish a structured process to follow.
9. Finding more about industries and what path I would like to go down.
10. Look further into graphic design companies to gain work experience within.

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