Tuesday 12 March 2013

If you were a...?

If you were a...?

If you were a book what would your subject be and who would read it?
If i were a book, I would be a children's book with lots of mixed media textures as illustration. And children would read me.

Children's book illustration by Sara Fanelli

If you were a package what would you contain and who would open you?
If I were a package I would contain, a luxury champagne for special occasions only. I would be opened by girls who pick the bottle due to the packaging as you can tell luxury from the outside.

Stunning honey packaging and branding (via BEEloved honey on Behance)

If you were a shop what would you sell and who would buy it?
If I were a shop, it would sell clothes that was expensive so therefore a high market audience.

If you were a poster what would you promote & to whom?
If I were a poster, I would be promoting a shopping event. For example the opening of Trinity Leeds. It would be to shopping fanatics and to people who appreciate design as it is suppose to attract the most attention as its going to be highly grouped with highly profiting stores.

64933031212 GiBirWWy l 25 Beautiful and modern poster designs for your inspiration129883804397 hMjLwnQn l 1 520x512 25 Beautiful and modern poster designs for your inspiration

If you were a brand what would your values be and why would they be important?
If I were a brand my values would want to make things reproducible, so therefore I would sell things that you could wear more than once because you can change the way it looks very simply.

If you were an exhibition what would you show and where would you show it?
If I were an exhibition it would show paper craft and paper installations, it would be displayed in a high end London gallery.

If you were a leaflet what information would you contain & who would read it?
If I were a leaflet I would contain information which would be shown through information graphics as then, the people are more likely to read using the visuals. It would be read by people who like to use pictures rather than reading long paragraphs.

If you were a sign what would you show, to whom & where?
If I were a sign I would be a restaurant sign, which would be a mexican high end restaurant in the town centre.


If you were an app what would you do and who would use you?
If I were an app I would be a social networking site, but just for designers. So you can chat about the things that matter to yourselves everyone would have something in interest and you could receive inspiration from other designers with ease.

If you were a blog what would you be about & who would follow you?
If I were a blog, I would be an inspiration blog with different industries to help students decided what they wanted to do and what they are most interested in.

If you were an event what would it be and who would promote it?
If I were an event it would be a dancing event & it would be promoted by the West End. As then I would receive the right audience and would appreciate what is on offer at the event.

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