Tuesday 12 March 2013

Communication Is A Virus

Communication is A Virus

We really have struggles with coming up with an idea for this as we all don't really like the subject that we have been given of 10000 steps. So we spent the whole week deciding on what we wanted to do etc...

We then final decided on making a band that works simular to a pedometre with lots more features on it and working more for a English audience as there is something simular on the market but it is very American audience driven.

First Critique - So we told them that we wanted to create a band which has advanced features such as how big steps and others... and promote. Which would be an advancement on the Nike+ band but is more focused on English audience and not an American audience. It will also connects straight to facebook & twitter etc...

Although they told us that we couldn't do that as we couldn't make the band and we need to make the actual product if you are going to promote it as a new band. They told us to stick to the audience of students of this college as it would be easier to see if it is working etc... And maybe concentrate on the lift and how many steps they would churn if using the steps throughout the day. Or maybe even been more specific and telling them to go to tesco for lunch etc rather than the cafeteria...

So then we had to go back to the design board where we all decided on an idea of shockvertising & maybe going down the corridor of using fat people to force people to walk due to not wanting to look like that or also maybe using swearing to make it stick in there head. 

Although we will have to be very careful about what we do as we do not want to cause offence and therefore need to make sure we thoroughly think this through.

Power Chat

We then had a power chat with Amber and told her that we had to change the idea etc... and told her that we have decided on using fat people and swearing and she told us to be very careful although I think this is very good advice and we need to concentrate on this to make sure we don't cross the line of the offensive from shock.
She said maybe to go more towards the idea of how much steps you have to do to burn off foods, as that is also shocking news as we told her my research of 25 steps to burn off one calorie etc... 

This is our written up brief that we had to hand into Amber in the power chat. We had to write our deliverable and our own brief, which therefore is more directed for ourselves rather than vague brief that all of us may have different ideas of it.

Our new plan of action
After a long hard decision we have decided on a plan of action of what to do. We have decided what we want for each phrase and how we want it to be viral etc... So at first we want people to just have a vague idea and then we will give out leaflets to back up the posters and transfer more information for them and shock them into doing more steps hopefully.

We have now decided on a colour scheme and what font we are going to use which is a main point when working in a group so our designs will flow and all join together. We thought of a few quick slogans that are posing questions as then it will make them think until the next phrase comes out?
We have gone for a black, white with mustard colour scheme to highlight the fat in unhealthy foods etc...

Critique with other groups & Simon:

They thought the photos of the fat people was too much and very disrespectful, also they didn't know if the swearing worked. They really liked to posters with just the type on and the idea of the flyer although they questioned how they would put it back together but we mentioned that this is the point of the poster to be opened and not to be put away. Finally they thought we needed to make it more viral as the website wont possibly fulfill the need of the viral advertising.

We have now decided on having a twitter & facebook linked to our website too so we can create the campaign fully viral. Although we didn't want to do this at first we decided that we was running out of time and wasting on thinking of a complicated idea when a facebook & twitter page will be sufficient enough.

We have now decided to stick with the poster idea but just not use the very shocking images and if going to use swearing use * & maybe not using it to a large point size, so from far away you can't see it. So you would have to be interested in the poster to read it up close.

All The Groups Work That We Used:

Website, Facebook, Twitter

These was all done by Alex.

Photoshoot & Posters:

 The photoshoot was all done collaboratively by the boys in the group and then Will made the posters from this. 

The logo was created by Jasper. This was the best one out of everyones designs. And everyone decided on this one. As the brackets make the A and then also links in within the website name thehiddenc.

Motivational Stairs Stickers:

These were stickers that Will has created to put on the stairs. This I think works very well as we couldn't stick them directly onto the stairs we put them on with blue tac. Although I think if we had to choice we would have made them with sticker paper and look more professional.

HotDog Book:

This was created by will which I think was very good for the information was very striking and very fitting for the audience.

Flyer Inserts:

I did these, These are to insert into the poster. By these I wanted to interlink the unhealthy photoshoot with the subject of 10000 steps.


The poster was created by Laura. She also worked out the dimensions and the folds for this innovative flyer to be possible. I haven't got a picture of her poster although it was just simple with facts on about walking you can see slightly the style on the lower bottom right corner.

Dan did create posters that wasn't used although I think they was very clever and innovative. By using shocking factors such as this elevator could break down at anytime etc... I haven't got images for these either but I thought we should have used them around the college too.

I think overall, I worked hard in my group I put alot of effort into the flyer inserts and developed them largely to the finished design, as this was my only role I thought about doing other ideas too which are shown on my design practice blog. I helped largely with the idea generation as this was a big part of our brief because it changed so much throughout the three weeks. And I was there mainly all of the time for group meeting just one half day where I wasn't able to meet.  
I think I worked well within the group I gave feedback to peoples work and also asked for feedback on mine as it matters what they think too. Although, I do feel like I shouldn't have given more vocal input. 
The positives of working in a group is having others peoples thought and then you bounce of theres and the volume of ideas and possibilities becomes extremely large. Also, the challenge of doing something you don't particularly like doing for three weeks although I think we all got on well and I contributed well also.
The negatives of working in a group are not knowing what other people think and how they work. As you will all have different aesthetics and trying to please them is very difficult. Getting some members to come in as a group was pretty difficult and you end up not knowing what they are doing and its hard to match there designs with yours was difficult.
I think next time I would voice my opinions a lot more and try get everyone to come to a final and substantial idea process by the end of the first week, as this was our main problem to overcome.  Also, more research early on in the week to the main focuses of the brief such as viral advertising as this is an important factor and we went with a boring old networking. 
I think we could have improved our resolution by directing the group from the second critique fully away from the images of big women and also swearing and then we could have concentrated more fully on having a  more sophisicated shock factor to our campaign.
The strengths of our presentation were that there was many slides to talk about from and we all had good knowledge of each aspect of the project. Even though we didn't have a set time for each other to speak we said we would talk about our own things and if something wasn't said we would say it for them etc... The audience was very humoured from the group talking about the posters etc... So I believe it got a good reaction and people enjoyed. 

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