Saturday 2 March 2013

Personality Practice Task

Personality Practice

5 Things that states something about me as an individual:

1. One of my main hobbies is Dancing and I have done this since I was 3 years old. I am now taking my teaching exams and teaching the younger children to allow me to still keep dancing as I love it so much. I love the free flowing movement, and how you can release lots of stress etc...

2. I passed my driving test when i was 18 and ever since had a car I have had 2 cars through my driving time and I have loved every minute as I don't like taking public transport. This has taught me money management as I paid for my own insurance, tax etc.... Gives me real freedom to go any where and when ever I want. This is a picture of my first car but it unfortunately got wrote off and here is the damage.

3. My family has become a important task I have to fit in but they do mean a lot to me and therefore make sure I have time to spend with them as I have to travel quite far to see my non immediate family as i am very close to my cousins.

4. I feel I am a very happy person and i hope other people think that too. I am bubbly and very approachable. I think this comes across also in my work and when I also am in critiques about others work.

5. My favourite place is Cleethorpes due to spending most weekends there with my grandma when i was young. I feel very reminiscent when I am there and I visit there as often as I can.

1. I am now more comfortable with software and therefore my design skills have come across more professional and they are becoming slowly better.

Drew Turner

2. I am very hand crafted and I love paper! My favourite tasks are quilling and creating installations with paper. I like testing printing with different stocks etc....

3. My new found love is screen printing, I love the method and how its a test as you dont know how it is going to come out. Its a chance, you can just keep doing it over and over until you know you have done it right.

Change the thought

4. I like been innovative and thinking of interactive ideas to engage with the audience. I think is is more engaging and helps them connect more and be more rememberable with the advertising etc...

Steven Stagmeister

5. I like working with the children as an audience. I like the idea of mixed media when designing and including real photographs of materials within my design. I like the bright colours that can be used etc....

Gemma Elwin

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