Monday 25 February 2013

Free Ads

Free Ads

Lizzy Gosney

This is a screenshot of Lizzy's free ad i designed for her. I received this inspiration from the websites she gave me and the circles due to the simple aesthetics of her websites she likes to look at and her designs work she most inspired is mainly type focused so therefore thought i needed to make type the focus of the page. I haven't really shown her personality features due to wanting to concentrate on her design feel rather than her background etc... as this can be distracting.

Dan Everitt

This is developed and inspired from the the swissted website of his favourite designer Mike Joyce. As it seems he like a very gridded structure. I did try and work with a different font as that seems to be another one of his passions although it didn't work with the swiss style. I have again taken in his design preference but not his personality as i believe this is a distraction to what the ad is suppose to be about.

Melissa Gater (Mine)

This is the one I created for myself. I liked the splash as it shows the diverse range and can adapt to any task given. I have labelled my main interests and just kept it very simple. I don't like it as much as I would if I had a longer to do one, as this was just a quick task. I like the colours, and the font. I think it really brings out my love for handcrafted style.

We then had to write down the 5 things we said described her design practice & 5 things best describe you as a person?

Research Focused
Good Time Management
Then we had to write 5 things that you thought worked you of the other 2 ads and 5 things that didn't work for them too.

Lizzy's Free Ad For Me
5 Things That best described me

  • Font
  • Centered
  • Main Interests
  • Circles
  • Simple 

5 Things That didn't best describe me

  • Colours?
  • Name main focus?
  • Capitals?
  • Handcrafted not main focus?
  • Italics?  

                                             Free AD

Dan's Free Ad For Me

5 Things That best described me
  • Font
  • Centred
  • Main focuses

5 Things That didn't best describe me
  • Background Colour?
  • Space between the styl e 

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