Tuesday 5 February 2013

Where am I now?

Where am I now?

10 Things I have learnt as an individual & a learner:

1) To make sure i don't throw pieces of paper away as everything adds to your inspiration. Taking constant inspiration from everything around me. As I haven't normally seen much inspiration from areas when not researching or in the studio. But now i have started to take inspiration from when i am in the city centre and many other places. Therefore i am constantly thinking about my work.

2) My time at university, I have started to been more strict with my time keeping. I do around 12 hours a week at a part-time job which i need to make sure I have enough money for my printing and other cost for each brief. It also takes me around and hour to get to & from college therefore I need to take that into consideration. I have used my diary to its full potential and tick things off when done, which I wasn't this organised before starting my degree.

3) Before starting my degree I used to also do dancing exams and take my teaching exams for dancing. Although during my time at university I have noticed that i haven't got time for this although i do still teach dancing and still see it as a hobby rather than another task i have to try and fit in. I have made this decision to drop teaching exams due to my dedication to completing my degree to my best ability and I can follow these exams after i have completed my degree. 

4) I haven't learnt that I need to do work outside of timetabled sessions as before i used to leave my work at college now there is no way i would finished to deadlines without taking work home. Also, going home after taught sessions and blogging the session so therefore is fresh in my mind, and also defines the work and therefore understand it more than what i would if i blogged it a couple of days later when i can't remember and therefore have learnt nothing.

5) Before starting this degree, i used to chase grades and i thought it was all about grades obviously due to making sure i got onto the course i wanted. From my Extended Diploma i received D*D*D* and therefore i thought that getting high grades is the only thing you need to make sure you get a career at the end. But i have realised there is many other factors than grades and they don't really matter.  

6) We have 2 briefs where we have worked as groups now and the first one was very daunting due to not really knowing people and I didn't want to voice my opinion although the most recent one. I have learnt to voice my opinion no matter if you don't know others as you are all part of a group and you all need to like and have a role you like to do otherwise the project will not be as best as it could be.

First Group Project

Second Group Project

7)  I have learnt that i need to not go home and go to sleep if i have had a long day and not been able to go to sleep the night before, as I need to keep going otherwise it will not get done and therefore I will still be in the same position the next day. 

8) I have learnt that most of the time I work better at home as I don't have as many distraction such as friends etc...  Therefore sometimes its better to do work at home although obviously need to arrange my time appropriately due to the need of some facilities I don't have at home.

9)  I have realised that although I am still living at home, i have become very independant as when I do come home i am constantly doing work and therefore don't have the family time i used to. Although, through doing this I have realised that I need to keep my family time separate from my work time. As otherwise I would never switch off, as at first I used to not know how to switch off but now I have learnt out to stop and enjoy quality time, and to do this I always do my work in one place.

10) I have learnt to look after my own things, as buying my mac and using my own money has made me realise the worth of things and therefore making me respect things more. I am more independent and have started doing everything for myself and stop reling on my mum and relying on her for money when I have run out, therefore learnt how to control my spend.

10 Things I have learnt as a professional:

1) In my last project i used print screening to use gold ink. I largely enjoyed this as this is something I have largely stayed away from as I thought it was a long process although, I have now realised it a very enjoyable process and something I would like to use more often.

2) When we first started doing critiques i didn't use them to there full capacibility and didn't get anything out of them as i didn't want anything out of them as i seem them as people not liking my work. Now i am fully prepared for critiques and like people to give me thoughts on my work and see them as ways to develop my work and express my opinions.


3) On my ED course I largely was interested in papercraft. And was largely interested in how i could adapt that within graphic design. But not i have realised that i am also very interested in stocks used, as i haven't had the chance to experiment with papercraft as of yet.

4) At first i didn't thinking blogging was a good way of saving information and thought it was pointless. Although now i have realised that its so much easier to look back at information and find answers easily etc... I think I have adapted quite well to blogging.

5) I think PPP has given me insight into more fields as to what you can go in. At the moment i believe that I am more interested in retail & promotion or editorial & publishing although i think that this could change as we haven't done a brief including all of these as of yet.

6) I have realised what best programmes are best to use for each design. As i used to used photoshop for purely design posters etc... I have therefore realised through workshops that this is the wrong way to work. And therefore using the programmes for there purposes.

7) I have realised how to work without using purely type and image & type to get the mesage across you can give a pure message by using image only. The image just has to be very strong and clean without other factors effecting the message.

8) I have realised i need to get my ideas down on paper and develop my ideas on paper before doing my ideas on mac. As of yet, i think of an idea and then do it straight on my mac. And therefore i stick to my initial idea.

9) I have learnt how to use InDesign, and therefore although it is very simular to the other adobe programmes. Although it took time to use the grabber tool etc... I think that it creates very professional designs, and would like to use this in my further projects.

10) I have realised that I need to start looking into agencies and where I would like to go. Get to know designers more and relate and get them to inspire me. I need to know where I want to go and what I want to do sooner rather than later. And more websites to receive inspiration & competition.


And many, many more....

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