Monday 10 November 2014

Design Something More

Based at Munro House

Why do brands need your help?

NO LOGO - Book very crucial part of branding

What is a brand?
It is standing for something. A logo, a badge. An identity, looks & sounds.

Branding is a superpower.

Stand for something + Wonderful experience = People care.

Unveiling of product & how you open it. Apple products always have this effect, tactile packaging, taking off layers.

Only one supermarket can be the cheapest. They need a different point of difference, which needs to be a sticky point which is remembered.

"If you make something wonderful, people are more likely to listen"- Simon Mirrow

Rethink the brand of today to make them wonderful.

We are asking you to re-brand them as they have a lack of engagement, you need to make them exciting!

Not just about products.
What can it offer you! Rethink what these places are!

A quick guide of creating a brand...

What should it stand for?
Whats are its problems?
The journey?
Why should it exist?
Make a record of exisiting painful experiences!
Why should people care? What is the function?

What makes you different?

Big Idea
What you stand for?
You need to understand what you are about for these!

Says exactly what it does, or implied - associations.

What does it look like?
What does it sound like?
What does it do?
TOV? Brand how you talk to people/personality

Make stuff thats relevant.
Don't just do business cards.
Wall mural? Retirement.
How can your brand talk to people?

What brand exists today?
Plan for today not for the future. Keep it in reality!

24th November - Interim Crit
Names, research, rough sketches that we can talk through.
Lots of sketchy ideas.


Coke bottle top - life cycle of a bottle.

Physical experience - Tactile makes the brand.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Branding of any business is help to increase the reputation of business. For effective branding strong brand management is important. Develop your business with best brand strategy.
