Friday 30 January 2015

Contacting Studios

Hello ,

For a while now I have had a keen eye on your studio, now please help me get out of my comfort zone and invite me to come and take a look around your studio. Possibly take it further to chat about my portfolio, which is attached. And talk about the reality of studio life etc...

So who am I? I am a third year graphic design student at Leeds College of art, who has a keen interest in branding, packaging.

What I like about your studio? I love all of your packaging designs, but one of my absolute favourites is the your limited edition rum, I think this is a great idea and would love to be able to purchase a bottle myself, with my personal love from rum & lemonade. My love for this label is due to the use of the different tactile natures within the design, which is enhanced by the use of colour.

I will look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Melissa Gater.



For a while now I have had a keen eye on your studio, now please help me get out of my comfort zone and invite me to come and take a look around your studio. Possibly take it further to chat about my portfolio, which is attached. And talk about reality of studio life etc...

So who am I? I am a third year graphic design student at Leeds College of art, who has a keen interest in branding, packaging.

What I like about your studio? I love the packaging you created for Smart Hospitality, the use of the multiple/usual mediums really fascinates and inspires me to do more with my choices of stocks.

I will look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Melissa Gater.

For a while now I have had a keen eye on your studio, now please help me get out of my comfort zone and invite me to come and take a look around your studio. Possibly take it further to chat about my portfolio, which is attached. And talk about reality of studio life etc...

So who am I? I am a third year graphic design student at Leeds College of art, who has a keen interest in branding, packaging.

What I like about your studio? I love how you have made the Dalehead sausage packaging look so sophisticated, with a subtle connotation to the butcher life throughout the logo. Another favourite of mine is the Beech’s packaging as I believe the choice of colours and pattern are impeccable which leads the flavours of the chocolate to empower through, connoting an explosion of taste within your mouth.

I will look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Melissa Gater.

For a while now I have had a keen eye on your studio, now please help me get out of my comfort zone and invite me to come and take a look around your studio. Possibly take it further to chat about my portfolio, which is attached. And talk about reality of studio life etc...

So who am I? I am a third year graphic design student at Leeds College of art, who has a keen interest in branding, packaging.

What do I like about your studio? I love your event design for YCN, the DIY centrepieces are my ultimate favourite, I inspire to yourselves and how you create impressive outcomes from simple objects. All the little touches you add to create an overall experience, is largely in-line with my personal thinking of going the extra mile, as I believe this is the key to success.

I will look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Melissa Gater.

For a while now I have had a keen eye on your studio, now please help me get out of my comfort zone and invite me to come and take a look around your studio. Possibly take it further to chat about my portfolio, which is attached. And talk about reality of studio life etc...

So who am I? I am a third year graphic design student at Leeds College of art, who has a keen interest in branding, packaging.

What I like about your studio? I wondered for a long time now who created the branding for colours may vary, before finding it on your website. I think this branding is beautiful and I love how it transfers seamlessly across all the collateral even though different mediums have been used.

I will look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Melissa Gater.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Trying to get placement/visit

I have contact quite a few studios now and only a few have replied back to me.

Lord Whitney
Red Sky Studios
Brand on Shelf
Storm Brand 

One I am very happy about replying to me is Brand On Shelf....

Hi Melissa, no worries. 

I’m absolutely chocca the next 2-3 weeks but if you fancied trying to meet for an informal coffee and advice/feedback on your folio we could aim for sometime w/c 23rd Feb. 

Let me know if that suits – ideally sometime either side of lunch, any day except Tuesday 24.


So said that the 25th was probably best for me so he replied..

Hi Melissa, I can do that. 

Let’s go for 25th of Feb at 1230 – please come to the studio first and we can nip out to a suitable place around the corner if none of the meeting rooms are free.

Could I have your mobile number please just in case…

Cheers, Torben

Lord Whitney did reply to me saying that my work was lovely but they had too many people requesting to go to their studio so they are probably going to be setting up an event for students to come and see it all together.