Thursday 29 January 2015

Trying to get placement/visit

I have contact quite a few studios now and only a few have replied back to me.

Lord Whitney
Red Sky Studios
Brand on Shelf
Storm Brand 

One I am very happy about replying to me is Brand On Shelf....

Hi Melissa, no worries. 

I’m absolutely chocca the next 2-3 weeks but if you fancied trying to meet for an informal coffee and advice/feedback on your folio we could aim for sometime w/c 23rd Feb. 

Let me know if that suits – ideally sometime either side of lunch, any day except Tuesday 24.


So said that the 25th was probably best for me so he replied..

Hi Melissa, I can do that. 

Let’s go for 25th of Feb at 1230 – please come to the studio first and we can nip out to a suitable place around the corner if none of the meeting rooms are free.

Could I have your mobile number please just in case…

Cheers, Torben

Lord Whitney did reply to me saying that my work was lovely but they had too many people requesting to go to their studio so they are probably going to be setting up an event for students to come and see it all together.

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