Monday 31 December 2012



 I liked the use of creating a typeface out of cake and then topping it with lots of different toppings.

 We liked this idea and we would have loved to be able to create something like this but we knew that it wouldnt come out how we wanted it although it would have been a really good idea.

 As soon as i seen this cake i thought of the idea of revealing type on the chocolate side and only on one side although again i think this was beyond what we could achieve. And wasn't predicted to come out as good as we wanted.

This is another cake i came across which i thought would have been good for the main design and experimentation to be within the mold rather than the actual cake.

Then i came across this when i seen this I thought this would be a really good idea to create these but in all the letters in the alphabet! Cake pops are the new thing at the moment and therefore me and daisy decided to take on the challenge of cake pops!

How to make Cake Pops:

Recipe type: cake pops, dessert
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 13
Fluffy, moist little cake pops! Yum! So easy and pretty quick to make!
  • Chocolate Cake, prepared (I used ½ of a 9×13 devils food box cake)
  • Chocolate Frosting (amount depends on moistness of cake. I used two big spoonfuls. See video)
  • 2 boxes Premium white chocolate ( I used Baker’s brand)
  • cake pop sticks
  • sprinkles
  1. Add cake to a large bowl.
  2. Crumble until it resembles fine crumbs
  3. Add in frosting a little bit at a time until cake is moist and can hold a ball shape, yet still slightly crumbly.
  4. Use your hands to incorporate the frosting into the cake crumbs.
  5. Use a mini ice cream scoop and scoop out two balls of cake mixture.
  6. Roll the mixture into a tight ball and place on a plate.
  7. Repeat until all the cake mixture has been rolled into balls.
  8. Melt 2-4 ounces of white chocolate in the microwave.
  9. Dip the tip of the cake pop sticks into the white chocolate and insert into the cake balls about half-way.
  10. Freeze for about 20 minutes.
  11. Meanwhile prepare all of your decorating supplies.
  12. Melt the remaining chocolate in a large cup. Make sure you have enough chocolate to completely submerge the cake ball.
  13. Remove cake balls from freezer.
  14. Dip cake balls carefully into the chocolate until covered.
  15. Let the excess chocolate drip off. Swirl and tap gently if needed.
  16. Add the sprinkles while the chocolate is still wet. It will harden quickly.
  17. Stick the decorated cake pop into a styrofoam block to finish setting.
  18. Place into the freezer to speed up setting time.
  19. Cover with a clear treat bag & ribbon for gift giving, if desired.
  20. Store in a single layer, in an airtight container.
  21. Enjoy!

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And watched this video to help see the consistency needed for the frosting and cake mixture:

The Birth of Type Pop!

 Mixture for the cake to put into the cake tins this is enough for our two small cakes.

 We had to create many cakes has we decided to also create a 2-tier cake to hold the cake pops too. Also the cake pops was cake crumbled up to create them so overall we had to create 4 cakes.

 This is our first cake that was ready. It looks so good and perfect then we are going to just crumble it up.

 This is me crumbling up the cake. For the mixture.

 This is our workspace when cutting the letters out. The mixture is in the middle.

 This is the first letter we decided not to do counters as this would make the cake pop less fragile when sticking the stick through. We had a size of 7cm x 15cm that we measured into a block before sculpturing the letters.

 This is half of the cake as we have crumbled it a bit at a time to get the right tendency between the buttercream and the cake.

 This is me creating the H for the cake pop!

 This is most of the alphabet nearly finished creating them!

 This is all the letters been stuck on sticks. We put the cake melt mix on the stick before sticking it into the letter as then it would be a stronger bond.

This is the first layer of the cake with the icing rolled over the cake.


 We left them to harden in the fridge overnight due to them slightly breaking when putting in the stick for them to stand up. 

 We did some extra balls with the left over mix we created and these have already been trialled and tested as this is a typical cake pop and therefore would be strong and not break.

 This is the buttercream we used to stick the cake crumbs together for the type pops and also to put the icing onto the cake.

 We choose to use a two tier cake as we would have more surface area to stick the pops out off!

 We bought an icing bottle that had the edging tools as well and added this finish which matches the colour of the spots we are going to put on.

 This is all the material we used for our decoration we had to buy a special icing to coat the cake pops and also we rolled out icing to create the polka dots. While we was shopping we found little bags that we thought would look good to present the cakes and then we bought pretty ribbon to tie them together.

This is the icing block rolled out with a great deal of effort. It was so hard to get it thin enough to put on the cake as it cant be too think due to then it beveling.

 We made stencils to cut out the circles as we didn't think we could cut out a true circle. Se we did different sizes for the best look.

 This is the cake when we started to put the spots on we put it on by pasting buttercream on the back and then sealed the edges.

 This is the finished cake we chose the name Type Pop! Due to the connection of type and cake pop together. We was trying to be more adventurous with the name and didn't stick with a final one till right at the end. But I think looking back it is probably the best name, compared to the others we was saying.

 This is frosting the letters after we froze them overnight. We bought a polyester board so we could stick them in while they dried. We had to do two coats of the chocolate icing due to you still been able to see the cake through.

 This is the cake pops been packaged and  in the box ready to be taken to the competition. We thought that this would add an extra touch and also came as a strength due to it kept them together as if they wasn't in these packages it would have broken, I believe.

This was our presentation on the day in place with our typogateux entry card. And then we got First place me an Daisy was overly joyed due to we wasn't wanting to win and we was just happy that it came all together. And also there was a lot of other good cakes entered into the competition.


We both did individual research which left us with a broad range of materials to look at when decided on our final idea. And i am really happy with the overall final product as we overcome all the factors that nearly created us to give up as we didn't think it was going to work.
Next time the only thing we would probably change is make the cake pops thicker so it wouldn't affect them when we placed the stick in to it. Also something that would quicken up the process would have been to have circle cutters for the spots on the cake and cake pops as then they would have been very clean and crisp circles. 
When putting the cake pops into the cake at the competition it was not holding them very well and we would have liked to put more in. So maybe next time working out how we could have a more stable cake to hold them.
Me and Daisy worked really well as a team we both agreed on all things and did most things together. I would definitely work with daisy again.

Thursday 22 November 2012

End Of Module Evaluation


 Module Code 

 Module Title



1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

The main thing I have learnt within this module is the form of the typeface and how some of the alphabet shapes can be developed to make another letter. Here I have used this within the typeface, which I created for Jordan, which I used largely with the pattern in the stems of the form of the typeface. In this module I have learnt how to use illustrator with more of an in depth knowledge and new things you can do with illustrator. Which I have passed on these skills within the illustrator brief. 
I have also learnt how o manage my time effectively as at first I felt like I had a lot of work to process but towards the end I had a plan of when to blog when to have my work done, which has given me a better approach to the module.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

My approach to the design skills module has been informative to my final result due to my research is a big part od my development as all my ideas come when researching more into the briefing set.
My time management skills have developed through the start of this brief due to the allowance I have to double check all my work and not rushing around on interim critique day.
The visual thinking brief made me think of different medias as I had the word glow and nothing I did was relative to glow until I experimented with chalk etc….
The use of doing a large scale of ideas before starting your brief final has been very informative as you can develop while on paper which saves time than doing it while on screen in most cases,

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

My strengths that I have realised whilst doing this brief is that I am quite organised as I do tasks on time and I intend to keep this up throughout my time here as I will use my diary to its full use, as I think it has been a great time management tool for myself. Therefore due to my organisation and time management I have met deadlines and had all my work at every critique.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I believe that I am just settling for a final design rather than spending time to finalise it as we have such a short period of time, so I need to allow my self for time to develop after critique over the weekend rather than setting myself other tasks to do. Also, although I have good time management skills I need to allow myself to blog my days events on the night and also within the blog taking better pictures by scanning and get in to the routine of putting where the images are from at the bottom of the picture.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Next time I would do lots of ideas but if I find a good idea that I want to stick on mid way through, I shouldn’t go on and do further ideas and waste time when I wont like them. Therefore I will have more time to develop my final idea when created digitally.
The second thing I would do differently is keeping all my things together and not throwing rubbish versions away, as not it has come to hand in and I have misplaced all my work although most of it is blogged.
Thirdly I need to keep my blogging up to date therefore can put research picture straight onto my blog and link them below, also blog a critique or a session is more fresh in your mind if you do it the same day rather than 1 or 2 days later.
The Fourth thing is that I will not be mad or upset at silly mistakes as you will learn from them next time and remember more prominent by doing things wrong. For example not throw away my rubbish versions of printing or the bad ideas and little sheets that I have just scribbled on but could have had some relation to my work.
Finally I need to up my standard of work I don’t feel like I am producing the best I can be when I look at others I either need to be more confident about my work or develop my idea until I am happy with the level of the quality of my final piece.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor





Quantity of work produced

Quality of work produced

Contribution to the group

The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

Friday 16 November 2012

Evaluation & Critique on Mail Shot

Evaluation of Mail Shot

I believe that overall the final design successfully matched the brief. I have followed on from my posters to keep the same style flowing and consistency. Although, if i had longer i would have changed the stock as it wasn't very good for the block colour. I have now realised that the best stock for printing block colour is antique white.

Critique on Mail Shot Briefing

We got into groups in 6 and then paired up within the group with another person. So we could discuss the mail shot together and then crit it as it would then be more informative feedback & more constructive from 2 people rather than one. Here is my feedback from the two pairs that critiqued my mail shot.

The feedback from this critique was anonymous which i prefer as you get more satisfactory feedback and they tell you the truth of the piece you are critiquing. The feedback which i think i will take on board is that there is a lot of information within the leaflets and maybe should use some imagery to portray this message through as well. Also i was worried about the box of the envelope getting damaged in the post as it doesn't fill the whole depth and therefore may squash. This is something i realised afterwards and have put it in the post to be delivered to college to test this theory. Although they mentioned my type not matching my message although i think it is as i wanted to get the prisoners hand writing into account when thinking about the typeface used.

Overall i think this is good feedback and will try and act upon my critiques to make the mail shot better & have more of a impact on my audience and practicality within the theory of sending through post.