Friday 16 November 2012

Evaluation & Critique on Mail Shot

Evaluation of Mail Shot

I believe that overall the final design successfully matched the brief. I have followed on from my posters to keep the same style flowing and consistency. Although, if i had longer i would have changed the stock as it wasn't very good for the block colour. I have now realised that the best stock for printing block colour is antique white.

Critique on Mail Shot Briefing

We got into groups in 6 and then paired up within the group with another person. So we could discuss the mail shot together and then crit it as it would then be more informative feedback & more constructive from 2 people rather than one. Here is my feedback from the two pairs that critiqued my mail shot.

The feedback from this critique was anonymous which i prefer as you get more satisfactory feedback and they tell you the truth of the piece you are critiquing. The feedback which i think i will take on board is that there is a lot of information within the leaflets and maybe should use some imagery to portray this message through as well. Also i was worried about the box of the envelope getting damaged in the post as it doesn't fill the whole depth and therefore may squash. This is something i realised afterwards and have put it in the post to be delivered to college to test this theory. Although they mentioned my type not matching my message although i think it is as i wanted to get the prisoners hand writing into account when thinking about the typeface used.

Overall i think this is good feedback and will try and act upon my critiques to make the mail shot better & have more of a impact on my audience and practicality within the theory of sending through post.

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