Friday 9 November 2012

Article Poster Evaluation & Critique

Evaluation of the Brief

 I think that I have fulfilled the purpose of the brief as it is very striking and impactful, although i am not sure the message of the image poster only is successful in the message of prison as the impact but not as the promotion of stereotypical prisoners. The image & type poster i believe could be set in a better layout & maybe simplified with more facts of each item. The type poster is very controversial as some people think that shapes should not be allowed such as arrows although my idea of a flowchart would not work without this been allowed.

This is my feedback from the critiques we had, in which we had to leave our posters in a room and another group would come in and write a feedback form for our posters. Here is my feedback:




The information i am going to take on from this anonymous critique is that i should continue the images of the image poster on to the image and type poster. Most of them said that the message is a little unclear as there is a lot going on. Although i do believe that it it very obvious that the 3 posters are all about prisons and then the image and type and type posters are very clear maybe just little confusion within the image only poster.

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