Monday 6 October 2014

PPP Presentation

Firstly to plan my presentation I wrote down on an A3 sketch pad what I needed to input & what order I would my slides to be in. 

Then I mindmapped the ideas I wanted to put into my designer's statement.

So my designer statement is:

I am a creative designer who specialised in branding & packaging. I believe we exist to create engaging environments, where people can learn, interact & shape everyday life!

SB1 - So over the summer I have drank a lot of tea & become very annoyed with the fact of the tea bags dripping all over the floor, so I am going to repackage & come up with an innovative way to stop this problem of the tea bag trail. I think I may make it similar also to the concept of the Douwe Egberts Coffee, with the use of the glass jar design and then also a refill pack, so people can have something on their sides but also be ethical within society.

SB2 - This originally spanned from the idea of wanting to have a go at food typography, which st first I did find quite difficult to mould a brief around. This is due to me not wanting to do a recipe book etc.... So I developed it into to doing a poster promotion for a restaurant and then I seen the promotional material for the Macmillian coffee morning, and found that it was very dull & boring and not welcoming in which you need this to seem friendly due to the need to engage over a coffee and a bun. After speaking to Amber the other day she told me that I should take I further than just making the posters and actually hold the event. So I hope you will all help me bake cakes & give lots of donations to make it successful :) 
Therefore I will be creating posters, buntings, donation pots, stickers, flyers etc...

SB3 - I went on a mini break to forest holidays within the summer break and this lead me to think about the information that is given with such as welcoming and friendly environment. When I got to the treehouse everything felt very homely with a welcome message in scrabble on the table and a rubber duck on the hot tub. But all the information in the cabin & the branding seemed very corperate and didn't match the personality of the resort. Therefore, I thought about rebranding the resort with further added touches, so that it matches the relaxed environment, such as a welcome pack etc...

SB4 - So orginally this was suppose to be a live brief from one of my mums friends, as she was opening up a florist which she asked me to brand. I felt really excited about this as I had not thought about this and thought it would be a unique addition to my portfolio, then Sarah comes into uni with the same idea too. I am still planning on doing it and want to really expand this brief as far as it will go. And want to create an innovative way to package the flowers.

 SB5 - I collect perfume packaging that is luxury. This brief originally expanded from wanting to do a papercraft installation. I thought about the perfume POS stands that are in Debenhams etc... They are always very elaborate and stand out with intricate detail. When I spoke to amber, she mentioned splitting the brief into two parts so that the brief doesn't run for too long. Part 1 - Package & promote? Part 2 - Installation & event promo?

 SB6 - I wanted to work with a different form of packaging, eg. rather than just boxes, create a vinyl design on glass. I want to bring the handmade, rustic style through to the packaging to show the effort that has gone in to make it.

 SB7 - So this brief came from the love of buying stationary, in which I can spend hours upon hours in paperchase. My first idea was to incorperate the concept of Indian pattern, mainly henna within the design. But then Amber told me to make it more personal she asked me, Why I liked stationary? What did I do with it? So then out of this the idea that lists so therefore the main concept around this brief will be lists...

 SB8 - I love christmas cards! I thought this would be a good brief to break up on. At first I wasn't going to do it as when we returned to college I seen we had a festive brief planned on the last day of the term. Although Amber told me that I could make a link between the two briefs.... I am planning on making around 4/5 cards with envelopes that will be packaged altogether, ready for retail. These may even be something that I send out to studios that I have contacted.

 Me & Daisy are going to be collabing together as we are both quite crafty & like screenprinting. At first we came up with the idea of doing a papercraft stop motion. Although, Daisy had a go at stop motion over the holidays and just couldn't get the hang of it. I don't actually have it on my mac sooo would be difficult as to whether I download it now or download it when we do the brief as it would only be a 30 day trial. 
So then we met up the other day and started brain storming and have come up with the idea of screenprinting and we both like sweets & pudding. We would love to make this into an event, but we don't know much about the outcomes as of yet so that will develop when our ideas develop.
Then also me & Sarah have mentioned collabing, its not something we have discussed in great detail as of yet. But this decision has come about due to having some of the same briefs and both interested in packaging.

COP3 - So my working title is: 
How can interactive print-based design result in its audience having a stronger understanding of the projected subject?
I am currently still reading & researching, as I am struggling to find design based quotes, but Amber has given me a few more avenues to look into. As I didn't have a title & I started researching into mass amounts but now have realised that, that is not the best way and I need a title to focus, although I don't want my subject to be too small.

I do know someone that works for Hallmark & I did email her at the beginning of last week to ask her if there is any chance of her setting me a studio visit or placement up on her department. Or even give me a contact that I could send some work to that would be more personal rather than going through receptionist first. I spoke to her earlier in the month and she was quite helpful but I don't know it will go anywhere but don't want to keep bugging her.

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