Thursday 30 October 2014

PPP Tutorial with John

Feedback on presentations - All good!

What do you really want to do in life?

George Louis - Damn good advice!

Make sure you add personality - how you want to be perceived!

Read up on them first before sending email!
Make the email personal!
Put a catchy subject!

Don't let your porfolio do all the talking
"Now don't let my porfolio do all the talking, why don't I come down & see you in person!"

Thought process on blogs.

When you have met people put your thoughts on your blog!

Things that inform you - not just GD.

Always think about whether you agree with statements form exhibitions & events.

Young graphic design students - Crowell
What do you agree & disagree with?

What informs your practice?

TOV- Sense of humour!

Look at studios blogs, not just there websites! See what there life is like outside of work also..

Put personality into it!

Don't stay in your comfort zone!

Never open a convosation about their work.
Then take it into work when they feel relaxed, you will get much more out of them!

Meet them - Show your personality when you meet!
Portfolio - for work only!
Love every piece of work in your portfolio.
Get excited about it - show them why you did it!
Can extend! Talk about what it led to.... The wedding was amazing!

Speak to studios as human beings!
Get to know them.


My shop window...
Include personal things, like your favourite shoes!

Inform people you exist! 

I am nosey! I love travelling by bus so I can see everything & take it all in!

If they ask for how long just say a short visit.... 15/20 mins...

Think Personality! If they offer you a coffee, always take it gives you an extra 10 mins...
Next time can I visit for a full week? 

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