Friday 27 March 2015

Today I presented for the last ever time while on my course! It was really nice to see everyone else's presentations and see how much we've improved as designers and people together over the last three years.

These where my notes that I read from for the presentation:

Hello for the last time in a presentation.

So coming here I thought I knew how hard it was going to be, but I really didn't.

It was ALOT harder but more rewarding than I had planned.

My first project that I remember was the type & image poster.

This is my outcome I didn't thin it was that bad until I re-looked at it. Why would I put the text in the wrrows? or use that text? Also, my image & type & image poster is practically identical.

And I thought I knew everything there was to know about design! How wrong was I?
Because I came from ND graphics, I didn't want to do all the learning again for the type anatomy & layout. But all I can say is that I am so glad that I did..

So 2nd I believe that module OUGD504 was the part of the course where I realised some big decisions.

Design for Print: I found that I love been hands on & how much a tactile finish can add to design.

Design for Web; I realised that I hated coding & it wasn't for me, although

I did like designing an app & website for my design for print & web. I think this is because I can actually design without making it happen. 
So after doing this I didn't hate doing web design, especially when I realised that you can design a website without coding it as they are two different jobs.

Design for Print & Web: This was my first brief where I believed everything came together really well & realised I love branding across a lot of collateral and packaging.

3rd Year - my favourite project so far was:

Whistles that I submitted for YCN:
This I felt very proud of not only having worked with an existing brand for the first time.
I created a scent range for both men & women & created a poster campaign to go alongside it. Although, this was very stressful I have realised that I want to go into the packaging industry.
Although I would also love to go within the installation too, which this is something I am working on to make connections.

COP3 - so this year for COP I created on the theory that physical design is more engaging than digital design.

This has really reflected on my work this year. Due to creating & making things & opening intriguing ways or the need of interaction to the the full experience out of it.

& this is something I am constantly asking myself without realising, so how they have to break something open & how I can make that a more intense exciting experience.

My Personal Branding over the years...

So first year I created a big box with chocolates & a swatch of quotes! Which when I think back now its cringeworthy & so impractical.

2nd Year; I created a CV that folded up into a wallet that I could send out. It also held a mini concertina portfolio but I just hate this logo now & I think it has something to do with the imbalance of it.

3rd Year: So this year I created this so far, its a CV that folds up innovatively. And a circular logo calling myself a hands on designer, rather than a designer & illustrator like last year.

So with this I have sent out many emails & applied for placements.

And I received a studio visit with a lovely guy at brand on shelf, who seems very interested & wants to see me in the next 2 to 3 months with an adjusted portfolio with the changes he told me.

And also I have managed to gain a weeks placement over easter at Big Fish in London. Which I am very excited about but also extremely nervous as I have never been to London on my own before.

So in my portfolio review with Andy he told me quite a few things but one was that my logo was too set & I needed something that I could work with more freely.

So heres my new branding I very pleased with it & I think it shows more of a refined approach which is good.

So my plan for when I leave is to pester pester pester to get a job that I love. I would like to get a summer internship too.

I thought that at the end of uni I would simply walk into a job & I have soon come to reality, when emailing studios trying to just get a visit is hard enough. I just want to get out of retail so I can have my weekends to explore & do more things.

SO the things I love & will carry on:
-Obviously GD
-The friends I have met - always good to have good connections ;)
-Looking @ studios. I think I will always have one to aspire to even if I am happy @ the one I am currently working at.

Things I love & will miss:
-Brownie from the smoothie company. I did become addicted at one point.
-Also miss being the big fish in the little pond, as now we are going to be tiny fishes in a massive swamp.

Monday 16 March 2015

Pinfold Visit & Application

WPA Pinfold

Based in Holbeck in a old library, mainly focus on branding.

They have won a DBA award

I like how they do their bit for charity - use it as breakfree
Art is rubbish

Crafted handbook Carlsberg - Finishes = embossing/ ribbon proper craft beer.

Planning visual brand essences - senses

Brandstorm - what there success look like.
Benchmarking - Whats already out there.

Touch points - if it smells what does it smell like?
Business impact - like how you see effects you have created.

Design Academy
6 month internship (paid)
4 days a week
Assigned a mentor
1 days a week - modules.

send 3 examples of work to the given email and select a sector.

I have decided to apply for this opportunity as I think it would be silly not too. It would be a great starting point and then you will be a guranteed a job after.

This is my three examples of work I sent..

Unfortunately I was unsuccessful but it was always worth a try.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Developing my Branding

I decided to change my logo after the feedback given from Andy Lodge. He told me to create something that would allow more movement within the logo. 

I chose the diamond outline due to me being quite crafted and therefore this is representing my crafty side. Then the block serif font with swirls to still compliment my feminine side.

This will allow me to use more finishes such as die cut and foiling....

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Big Fish Reply

To my surprise I got a responce back from Big Fish offering me a week placement down in London.

Here is the email..

Hi Melissa, 

Thanks for getting in touch. We'd like to offer you a one week placement with us. Hows Tuesday 7th - 10th April for you?

Just to let you know a bit about what you'll be doing - It would be all the usual sort of stuff - a few design briefs to work on using Illustrator, InDesign & Photoshop, observing & maybe assisting with photographic shoots, some scanning and image research, putting together packaging mock-ups, probably a bit of errand running & quite a few cups of tea to make... and about 45 skilled and experienced people to quiz about working in a design consultancy. We've got designers, illustrators, artworkers, web developers & account managers so it's a good cross-section.

Hours are 10am-6pm, with an hour for lunch, & dress is casual. You will be paid £150 a week, it won't make you a millionaire, but it's our little thank you.

You'll just need to bring along yourself and your portfolio, we will provide everything else.

let me know if you are happy with these dates so I can book you in, or we can sort out something that will work for you.



I was so happy when I got this email, really gave me a light at the end of the tunnel after many non-replies.

So I replied tell them this week would be perfect for me too as this would be the middle week of the easter holidays and gives me enough time to plan & prepare for the stay in London.