Thursday 19 February 2015

Manifesto PPP Presentation

Today we presented our second presentation of the year. This is the presentation to see where we are now and what has changed since the start of the year.

This is my presentation from today.....

Heres my notes that I made to follow while presenting:

I have chnaged my self branding - reflects me more as a person it has the same aesthetic but suits me more as a designer.

Not changed much - addition of installations into my manifesto although haven't done any ahile at uni I finding my self more inspired by them more & more. 

COP3 - This has not changed me as a designer - just made me reflect more on how to get the audience involved more effectively.

Briefs completed:
Tea - strongest project so far - although I am going to re make them with the laser for a clean edge on the diecut.
Christmas Cards - fun & interactive. - mix media, enhanced digitally. Working with Adam was interesting.
TDR - pointless task, realise how much you can get done in one hour.
DSM - liked the challenge & using infographics which I have never done before.

Only brief I have changed is my Perfume Packaging & Instore Promotion as I am going to to change this to the YCN whistles due to it having similar outcomes, this will also give me something to put in my portfolio thats of an existing brand.

Contacted many studio - only one got back to me...

Events really enjoyed:
Design Manchester - this was perfect for my COP.
Behance Portfolio Review - good to see where we are compared to other students from different unis.

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