Wednesday 25 February 2015

Big Fish Application

Today I applied for the Big Fish Placement on there online application form.

This was my application...

First name


Last name


Please upload your portfolio here (max 5MB)


Please upload your CV here


If you could work on any brand or client in the world, which would it be and why?

Gü would be my dream brand to design for. First of all I have a massive sweet tooth and these puddings are amazing, therefore this brand is perfect for me as I am their ideal customer (and hopefully I would get lots of free samples).
Not only this, but they brought my attention to Big Fish, which has been a massive stepping stone into my design career, and has helped me focus on how my assets can be used within the packaging industry. It was the design that first caught my eye, as I love how the box looks so mysterious & dreamy. I then went on to look at the brand in more depth, which led me to discovering yourselves & also to find my strong agreement with their brand values & beliefs on life. The belief that ‘Ordinary is pointless’ is one of the attitudes I love, as I also take this perspective on life as I always make adventurous and unique decisions to make my work distinctive.

Why do you want to work at Big Fish®?

I love the aesthetic of your work. You go above and beyond your average branding and packaging. You make your work unique by testing out hand-rendered activities and adding them to your work digitally and I feel I would fit in perfectly as I like to get my hands dirty. Another reason why I would like to work at Big Fish is due to the way in which you only work for clients who adhere to your personal beliefs as a company, and only work on products that the team could be a possible target audience for.

Are you…

currently studying on a degree course?

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