Friday 8 November 2013

Contacting Professionals

Contacting Professionals Seminar

Why would you want to contact professionals?
To become a key player
New potential creative in the industry.
Agencies look for that individual.

Why are we doing a degree?
It doesn't mean anything although we are learning more than other universities who are in two days a week and don't learn much, but this is not what talent comes from?

Planning & Documenting
List all the references that you have seen 

How are you going to contact them?

Ring creative directors up, ask for his details. Say can you put me through.
Have some questions ready to ask.

Why are contacting them?
A visit maybe?

If you consider what to ask, there should be no problem in using the phone.
Skype could be a good way?

What do you want to tell them?
Just tell them you exist.
A visit for a bit of advise?
Looking in a professional studio.
Just ask for a visit.

What will they want to know about you?
WHY you chose them to contact?
WHAT kind of creative are you? Dont give them the school blog you need a private one.
WHAT kind of work do you see as synergistic to you? If you don't know don't worry?
Keep it short & sweet.

What can you show them?
A brief you are wokring on?
Creative CV
You don't have a portfolio yet so don't stress.
You could invite them to college?

What is a creative CV?
Its a shop window on how you do things.
It all about you & what is great about you up to now?

Its not just a CV, its a reference to you hey may keep it.

What should you aim to take away from the meeting?
How you interact?
Insight to the studio.
Keep in contact for feedback on your work.
Who else do you think I should be talking to?

Negative & Positive list created by a friend?

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