Tuesday 5 November 2013

Interim Peer Review

Interim Peer Review.


So when I went to this interim crit I was really struggling with my ideas with print and wasn't too sure which would work best for the brief so I asked them their decision.

They thought that out of my ideas I had brainstormed that the magazine or the calendar would work best. 

The feedback for these was that the magazine:

It is a good idea!
Although how would you get this to your audience?
Audience - would be in a formal language as it could be possible experts I am telling how to do prints etc...

Then the calendar:
Amy liked this idea
Although, it would be hard as people work at different time scales and not too sure how to get around this unless surveyed the time scaled and then generalised between them.

Another Idea 
Would be like a little book of swatches so they can take it with them.
Also a swatch like book with examples on.

Loraine then came over and tried to breakdown the audience of a student.
They said that they would be:
  • The social media background would be preferably middle-class.
  • With a low budget
  • The education varied due to different courses, but they have one.
Now think about who else it could benefit?
Could it be charities to work out for them the cheapest way to print?
Useful for people working the in marketing department.

Then I started thinking about a hard back bound book full of finishes as this is what I like the most and have done the most primary research about.

Then also have a little How To Book? Like my little graze book when I got my first pack.

Although, I also thought that I could do a poster full of processes!
And then do a book of how I did these processes/ How I created this poster?


I thought that I had set all my information for the website down to a tee. Until when I presented it to the group they told me that there was too much info & that I was created it too complicated for myself. Although, they really like the idea of having infographics for rides and the forums.

They told me to narrow it down to only theme parks in Yorkshire. Although, then I said I haven't been to all and therefore this is why I didn't want to do this.

So they said that I should do a survey to ask others experience and then take that info to rate the places and see what type of places they are, family orientated etc...
And then, just use information which is from the theme parks website and the info about the rollercoasters that are online. Maybe get interesting facts such as are dogs allowed in?

What they most famous for?


Then I thought of having a map of yorkshire on the homepage so you can click each of the points but also have buttons across the top too for easy navigation.

Then I thought about having maps about each theme park and telling them how far it is between different areas etc...

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