Friday 8 November 2013

Networking Seminar

Networking Seminar

Getting to know people.

Concentrate your minds on to the scale of things.
Its getting to know people now!
There must be a reason to contact people & have a plan!

Your Network is for many reasons, it can be friends, family & colleagues, teachers, tutors or whomever you see as beneficial to your practice.

WHY do we network?
So people know that we exist as a creative & see what makes you special.
Getting to know people you work with within the industry.

The reasons are:

Contacting People.

You will not have a portfolio that you can use to get a job till after third year. Show things you are proud of!

Its the methods can you employ to get contact?
Questioning them? Comment on them?

Websites are about their business. Look at the blog this is the real things! The inside knowledge like parties & events.

Give yourself a reason to contact them!
Give yourself a reason to blog!

Identify areas you want to have a voice in.

Linked in is the best format to contact people. 
NEVER use Facebook for professionalism.

Why are you contacting them?
What do you want from me?
In what way do you do you want them to respond?

What do you want from a graduate now?
People who care about what they do? People who live it day in day out. Everyone will come out with skills, they want commitment!
You need to be an all round graphic designer.
This can happen through networking.

Johnny Cupcakes - Started in the boot of his car. He is not narrow minded.

What should we consider?
Your Identity, what makes you you?
Cartoon yourself, see what others see!
Maybe a CV, a different kind of CV creative!
Doesnt have to be a CV, can me a mailer! 

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