Tuesday 5 November 2013


Reflection on the Summer.

1. Reflecting on your summer what is your most memorable event and why?

Reflecting on my summer the most memorable event was possibly taking part in the new shop fir of BANK fashion in the White Rose. This is due to me doing most of the visual merchandising and helping with the displays of the accessories and the small exhibitions of the range up high. 

2. Have you made any contacts over the summer that you feel could be helpful over the coming year or so and what outcomes did you feel you achieved?

I have been asked to design a pricing list and a business card for my friends beauty salon. Which I think I will answer these and use them as a brief for my responsive brief. I was unsure at first as although she is my friend I wasn't sure if I would be able to meet her needs of cheap but effective as I am quite creative when using die-cuts etc.. but therefore the budget would have to be relatively high end for this. But I think I am going to set myself the challenge and this will also give me experience of working with a client on a one-to-one basis and then also get my design work out there.

I wanted to contact some studios to enquire about placements for next year in the gap between level 5 & 6 but wasn't too sure how to grab there attention and didn't want to sound ill professional and at the moment don't feel I have a strong enough portfolio to take if they asked to see some work I have designed.

3. How did you meet/contact these contacts?

This is just a friend, who I mentioned that I designed my own business card and showed her mine from Level 4 PPP and she wanted me to design hers as at the moment she just had a standard vista print business card. Then she also mentioned about the chance of a pricing list. I think this would be a challenge also due to the layout of having to put pricings and title of treatments, without it looking too busy.

4. If you didn't make any contacts, why? too busy working? holiday?

I didn't feel confident enough to contact any studios about placements or even just going to visit them. Also, I was working quite a high amount of hours due to the retail shop I was working in was getting a new shop & therefore was highly involved in the shop fit & the visual merchandising. 

Although, my uncles niece works for Clintons which I think I am going to try and get in contact with her about getting a placement or a visit to the studio. Or even just to look at my work and see if she had any feedback. As card design is a big interest of mine a lately, which I am entering into a competition brief to design a range of valentines day cards for Tigerdesign.

5. What methods of creating contacts can you think of and what would you ask?

Although, I think that email is easy to get lots of entries sent out I do think this is less personal and If i put some sort of effort into the letter by foiling or embossing the header this would be more appreciated and possibility a better chance of been looked at. Rather than an email which will just probably get put into trash.

Maybe to start just handing out business cards. At the moment I only have one business card which I think would be hard to imitate as I have used colour edging but using pritt stick rather than professionally. So maybe, think about a new design which is more achievable.

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