Thursday 6 March 2014

Design Board Critique

Today we had a crit on design boards for our collaborative brief, we looked at Harrisons & Sams, then Jamie & Lizzys. 

Harrisons & Sam's where very good quality design boards, I thought the red bleed was a very good decision and made the boards very strong & distinctive. Although, when we moved on to Jamie & Lizzy's this was hard to crit as they didn't have any boards to crit and the only thing they had was their blogs which didn't have much up either, was very hard to clearly define what they was doing for their project.

This is our feedback we received on ours:

We both felt this information was very informative and fair. I think that they pointed out some main points. The main point that I thought was the most important was that the concept board needed more as it wasn't impactful enough and the concept was therefore lacking. 

Another issue was the layout and to use a grid, this is probably because we thought it would be a good idea to do 3 boards each, this is not the correct way to do this as we worked out as although we set up a vague document on indesign that we shared, there was still a few flaws. Therefore from this we have decided that one person or we will both do the final boards for submission.

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