Wednesday 19 March 2014

Task: Competition for our branding agency in Leeds?

This is a list of Graphic Design Studios that deal with branding in Leeds.

Not all of them have a innovative website & make you want to know more about the company therefore you wouldn't chose them to create your branding material. Although, some of them is very strong competition..

A lot of these are just design studios in which they do all aspects of design therefore doesn't give them the edge up of the specialty when it comes to branding.

When you type into Google the first design studio to come up is Elmwood. These are going to be our biggest competitors do to their well known reputation.

Another studio in which we would be in competition of is Catalogue, these also focus on branding and therefore would be a strong competitor. This is an important factor due to the main way clients would find our studio is through googling, as businesses will not tend to know where to look so Google will be their main point of contact.

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