Friday 7 March 2014

Final Group Crit

For the final crit I took my actual final, but told them that they could write on it for mistakes in the bodycopy and if they had any other comments.

My feedback I got:

-Your information is clear and understandable with all of what you tried to say.
-Images were strong, had a sense of what it would be like to actually go.
-Packaging is great and fits well with theme.
-Good choice of stock, not too think but good quality.

Areas For Improvement
-The images in the background in are weak.
-Keep fonts consistent.
-Change layout of last spread so it is consistent with rest.
-1&6 have the same image on them.

-Try a different font for the bodycopy? Maybe an older looking one to fit with the headline font.
-For the numbers on each page you could have the lines moving round like its going round.

Action Plan
-Try without images in the background 
-Change the last page
-Page numbers & contents page for ease.

I found taking my final to this crit very beneficial to me, they gave me feedback on my stock & the overall look which gave me great confidence. I got some good constructive feedback. And feedback I probably wouldn't have noticed myself for instance the images and the lines lining up on each page.

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