Wednesday 20 May 2015


Overall I feel this year has been the strongest year for my PPP. I think its because I could define who I was as a designer without pigeon holing myself. I have willingly gone to events & visits where as first & second year I wouldn't have wanted to go due to nerves but I have realised this year you just have to do what you have to do.
I didn't see it as a chore and I found it interesting and therefore reflecting on my practice and finding myself analysing everything and comparing & relating it again my work.

I wouldn't say I totally combatted my nerves about contacting professionals but I would definitely say I have come on leaps & bounds. I wouldn't dream of ringing up a studio as I believe that I would say the wrong thing and first impressions always count! I now feel more confident in my portfolio and will be proud when it is laid out at the end of year show. 

I have managed to complete one placement at Big Fish in which I learnt a lot from after a lot of deliberation with myself about how bad the week went initially. I have also managed to arrange another at Thompson Brand Partners which I extremely looking forward to after my visit last week! I feel I willa chieve more knowledge about the way the industry works here as Ian seems very friendly & helpful. He seems like he genuinely wants to help.

Although, I was disappointed from my placement at Big Fish. Now visiting Thompson that not all studios will be like that. I realised that I wouldn't want to move to London or anywhere far away just as of yet maybe for my first and second job because while I was over there I felt very lonely & made experience worse due to having a lot of time to reflect over the night, therefore I have focussed my research into jobs in travelling distance from myself, but not stop myself for aspiring to big & better studios later on in my career, its good to always have aspirations! I never want to get bogged down in one place.

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