Friday 15 May 2015

Thompson Placement Arranging

Today Ian has been in contact with me & Adam to tell us that they would like us both to go for the 2 week placement at the same time. And that we could chose a time that was best for us. 

I said to Adam that he could chose the time as he lives out of Leeds. So he said the weeks starting the 15th & the 22nd would be best for him... So I said that I would check with my work as it would depend if I could get the time of with such short notice.

I have contacted my manager and my current work place are getting a shop refit on those two weeks Adam has picked. So my manager said she can't authorise anything now within those two weeks. 

I then told Adam my issue and asked if he could do the week starting the week 6th of July. He hasn't replied as of yet... But I shouldn't think it will be a problem as he is moving out of his house on the 10th of June anyway so would have to find somewhere to stay no matter what date. 

If this is not ok with Adam I am going to suggest just going separately as I can't drop my work place as then I would have no job to fall back on.

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