Friday 26 October 2012

Researching of Article Critique

Critique on Research of Article

In the critique i presented my research for my article that i have created over the past week. I told them what article i choose i feel very strongly about and i have my own opinion. I explains what my article was about and then told them what i researched into such as how social support will benefit people when they leave prison and also how i compared Britain against other countries on how they have managed there overcrowding of imprisonment. I then showed them all my statistics on how many people are in prison in the UK what religion is highly populated etc... 
Furthermore, i showed them my research related with graphic design & prison & what others have done before then i went into deeper research into why people re offended within graphic design and how people have portrayed it through design.

The feedback i received was to bring it down to a focus on what i want to focus more in depth research on. And also a few ideas was to look at stereotypes of prisoners and the comparisons of what people think that prisoners get while inside the prison and what they actually get.

Friday 19 October 2012

Alphabet Soup Jordan Final Critique

Final Critique Alphabet with Glyphs

In the critique we had to wear each others name badges and pin our work of our final 26 letters and 6 glyphs on the tracing paper onto the wall. We then stood up in out partners and talked about why we did it the way we did.

Jordan spoke first, for me he did a illustrated type with all my main interest corporated for example dancing, going out etc... I then spoke about his and said I choose to do mine the way i did due to his love for skateboarding and retro type. The mixture has worked quite well although   some of my feedback was that the meaning and adaptation behind the alphabet was very strong but it worked better for some letterforms than it did for others. So therefore I am going to advance on my letterforms that I think would be better if redeveloped.

This is my poster institute on the wall within our critique, mine about Jordan is bottom right & Jordan's about me is top right.
This is my poster close up on the wall.

Monday 15 October 2012

What is Graphic Design? - Part 2

Message, Scale, Tone of Voice, Function & Context


NDrive I like the use of ribbon to create the skyline of the city it connotes well that you can go anywhere the conitunation of line shows that it can get you to where you want to go and the way you want to go as there is no breaks and loops that can get you back on track. The message pervaying anyway, your way.

Street Child World Cup I love messages with worth while meanings such as charities etc... This one is to help children across the world who live and work on the streets by bringing football and art together. The printed style illustrations and endoursements which help to bring awareness and challenge the negative perceptions and treatment of children.

Breast Cancer This one stood out to me against all the other past awareness campaigns as there is no real scare and panic about the awareness but is very clear and gets the message across just as effectively as the others. Maybe will encourage people to get checked out due to the scare factor been taken away.

Wordless Recipe I liked this one due to all recipe books have words and you have to read whereas this one is just as effective and probably gets the job done quicker due to you can see pictures faster than reading a paragraph.

HIV I liked this awareness campaign due to black marker pens used to get the message across written on peoples faces. This one stood out to me as it says most people dont know they have HIV and its written on his face so its not asif he can see it himself.

NHS I like how the NHS have surrounded the key message with bright and bold colours to make it stand out and therefore catch the audiences attention. Each poster has a different message which is clear stated in big letters which is the main focus of the page.

Colgate This interactive advertising is very clever and obviously the message is to brush your teeth after sugary sweets. They have done this so they can take it home and keep it as a reminder. 

Bee The message in this poster is good use of image and connotation to the phrase. As a bee is a good way to describe protection of self interest as it will only harm you if you threat or attack them.

Cycle Cube The message of recycling in this cube is really sophisticated i like the message they are portraying as they are using the stock of wood as it is bio-degradable and the use of many designs on one piece therefore less harm to the environment etc...

Love The message here is about getting hurting when loving someone and it saying if life had brains what would life look like? I think this is a very clear message shown and the illustration and the phrase backs up this message.


Acts of Crime The message behind this is very effective and is aiming to recontextualise the place that these items hold in everyday life. The threat is very big which is therefore connoting the scariness of the empowerment weapons have over peoples actions.

Ray Bans (Frank Plant) I love the scale of this glasses and how they overhang the door frame. 

American Express Ad This advert is great and i love how everything is create from the last object. The scale of the play dough is not how it is portrayed on the actual video. As it is shown in a much larger scale. 

Underground Carpark The scale of this lettering is really in your face but i love how it has been created the hello is more welcoming and bigger than the exit as if they don't want you to leave.

Architects Mockup This is on a very smaller scale than when the actual thing is built this is just a tiny mock up of how things should look when it is all together and working as a whole. All building frames start in this scale and then get scaled up 1000x.

GENT This is for an advert which is going to be photographed and manipulated in photoshop. The tiny city on the giant letters is a great interpretation for the advert due to the concept of GENT been proposed to as a whole new world.

 Mozzarella World Is a cafe in which they have imposed this upon the wall. The is used also on the napkins and other things around the cafe. Therefore works at all different scales and for different purposes. The work is all created by hand through pencil and then painted over.

Lego This is a lego bike at a large scale this has been made up from small lego blocks and been photographed at a low angle so therefore empowers it and the placement next to a building to show the correct scale.
Shopping Centre Carpark This has to have a large scale due to the words would not be impactful enough when the driver is concentrating on driving and not the signs. The white against the block colour stands out well. And the phrase is legible from a distance.

Disney Pictures This is showing distance through scale as peter pan looks very far back due to how small he is compared to captain hook who is cut out in 3D to make him more impactful. His face is taking up half of the frame and therefore that is the first thing you see.

Tone of Voice:

Tesco The tone of voice that is shown through this design is very warm friendly and inviting this is created through the vibrant colours and the handwritten type which the layout is flowing and has unique copy lines.

Breast Cancer This poster is very well thought out piece and has a sensitive tone of voice which comes across through the ribbon wrapping around the breast are and the ribbon revealing the lump under the breast. Which kind of connotes that breast cancer is here to help you and over come this hurdle in your life. Here to comfort you.

Start Rite This adverts tone of voice is very playful and childlike due to the language used sounds like a childrens storybook and the simple colour scheme .

Tic Tac This is aimed at people with a busy lifestyle as the lifestyle promoted is very fast paced. The tone of voice voice used is humorous due to the nature of the amount needed for each schedule.

Parking Ticket (Chris Lineker) The tone of voice in this piece of design is relaxed due to normally the audience of this material is normally angry when they get one its trying to calm them down and gives you a complimentary tea bag to look over your ticket with. The personalisation brings it more personal and nicer touch than a normal parking ticket.

Northern Way Foods The tone of voice within this piece is very entertaining and informative but not to intrusive and informative that the audience will get bored with information.

Weight Watchers The tone of voice within this piece is very contemporary and young the pick is engaging mainly women and it dispelling old myths of dieting.

 Air Asia This is connoting been able to get cheap flights when you fly with Air Asia. The use of the car and the coppers connotes that you will be able to receive a flight from the savings out of your penny jar. Then the bright colours of the car attracts your attention to the brand and the shape of the coins immediately connotes airline.

Pharmacy This is the redesign for the bottles from a certain pharmacy the tone of voice they have been trying to portray is the traditional labels with a friendly tone. This is shown through the simple designs and traditional fonts used. The labels are very easy to understand and don't have fancy names on them for each medicine.

Sainsburys This is for the tone of voice promotion recycling and reuse of bags. This is also advertising the organic range as this is aiming to a specific target audience. The use of the material is very much appropriate for the tone of voice too.

Easisingles This is trying to promote to more of a student lifestyle. Therefore the tone of voice is vintage and cool & edgey, to aim to that target audience. This is very much in the style of pop art it suits the style of the campaign really well.


Rok Farm Diary The annual diary is design to capture the friendly atmosphere thats captures in the dairy farm grounds. This is done by using big friendly smiley head and drawn type.

Spoonachos This design concept is a very clever idea and is the concept of a nacho needing to be like a spoon to be able to pick up salsa, guacamole etc... The pack is very conpact and handy too for on the go.

 Gold Calendar This is designed and associated with a banking business. The colour gold comes form the concept of recession & devaluation of currency which you could resolve by collecting precious metals such as gold.

Urban Lettering (Francisco Elias) The concept of this is urban spaces so this is show the concept through a possible solution of displaying the focus on boosting urban spaces without loosing cultural locations.

Instaglasses (Markus Gerke) The design concept of been able to take instagram pictures with a click of a finger. Which this allows the insight by using an everyday item and adds it to the appearance of the glasses. So its from your sight spectrum too.

Leafy Tea (Belinda Shih) This is packaging for afternoon tea which Belinda wanted to bring in the atmosphere when drink the tea into the packaging of unwinding and reenergising after a long day at work. This is why the colours are very calming and the box is minimalistic.

 Sfera The word sfera means sphere and the history of the building has come together in effect of creating the design concept for the interior design for this shop. The building was an old train station before and was damaged by a train crash and therefore the mixture of the both creates the design concept corroded sphere.

Malboro This cigarettes box has been designed so it is bad packaging and would make it difficult for them to get it out. Therefore the design concept is bad packaging and the function would be if they would smoke less due to the longer time it takes to consume a cigarette.

Pattie Paige This is a branding for a bakery which creates handmade buns with decorative icing tops. The writing really reflects that concept of handmade the colours are very typical for a bakery. I like the use for the check as you can get tea with buns and therefore links the cafe industry into it too.

Coffee Home This is a logo for a coffee company and the type for the logo is very reflective of the purpose of the shop. It shows the aroma and looks like its floating off. I like the use of the white writing as it looks like steam from the coffee cup.


Red Cross The function of this advert is to evoke emotions through using saddening pictures and promoting that the red cross can heal due to the red cross healing the middle and the hand stitching around it to show how it heals. 

Tiny Pants This is just advertising the brand of cloth nappies. When you open the nappy it has all the information you need i thought it had a good basis of design and correct scale.

NomNom This function of this advert for chocolate i think is entertaining due to the individual faces for each one almost like they all have their own personality.

Typeface Album This function of this album it to showcase and assist the exhibition of typography work. This was created afterwards to help assist in the remembrance of the work.

Vi.Ta.Mins This poster informs the audience in how the vitamins travel through the body and what things they help to improve by taking them.

Flere Sider Mot Saken The function of this is to warn the Norwegian population of the danger against petroleum actions.

Recycling Advert This advert is using infographs to use the function of inform to show the amount of harm we are doing to the environment when we are wasting paper. The writing is very small to the images in the infograph.

Skins This is a show box you receive from skins when you buy a pair of shoes you can then take these home and reuse them in your wardrobe and as shelve etc...

Pistachio Nuts This is such a clever packaging idea, the whole idea of the mechanical opening is mimicking the opening of a pistachio nut. The opening of the packing to the best and the cracking of the nut to the nut.

Christmas Tea This is a to bring people together and therefore you receive two tea bags per tree and have to split it and make two cups of tea. The lid of the trees coming through to show 3D packaging.


In this poster they have used the context of peoples opinion polls in which them opinions shape their interest etc... By doing this in this form they are understanding the information through the layers of the head wear and may relate to them so therefore can make more sense about the data.

This context we see women in positions that were previously intended only to males, although they are still maintaining their femininity. As the concept for this piece to to demand for equality in performance of duties.


This design shows a multicultural context as it is promoting the international seminar through a poster and therefore the concept is bringing people together and they have used a jigsaw in different colours to communicate this concept. Although the context is within a multicultural poster.

This is normally a sign for drivers to watch out for immigrants crossing the border. And wanting the American Dream. Here the designer has taken the context from the symbol and put it into an normal environment and the meaning is now taken only by the viewer which will make their own opinion, as their is no other message added. But placing it in a familiar circumstances, but where it would not normally be seen.

The context of existed package by giving an amazing meaning to the banal one.For these reason they choose Pringles and Durex is that the influence from the Pringles slogan.'' Everything pops with Pringles''  and i changed it to Everything pops with durex! After that they played around with the packaging, therefore that is the context.

Special Olympics is an international organization for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The “R-Word Campaign” is a movement to get people to stop and think about the hurtful use of the word “retard” and to pledge to stop using it. This has been put on bus stops around schools who has been highly noticed to be using this language and therefore placing it in a good surround where the message is most needed.

Taking the type-forms out of their normal semantic context and using them to portray works of art.
With the Brenham Police Department having outgrown their previous facility, a new two-level, 24,000 square foot facility was designed to meet their current and future operational needs. So that the facility would fit comfortably within the context of the surrounding community, the facility was designed with a traditional feel but with contemporary lines.
 Using a piece of string to represent a story of my choice. Its based it on the film Black Swan. To give it context, they decided to make it into a promotional billboard for the film.
It also provides a context in which this process of the book takes shape. You actively participate in the process of looking at art through the unusual context of the book.