Friday 19 October 2012

Alphabet Soup Jordan Final Critique

Final Critique Alphabet with Glyphs

In the critique we had to wear each others name badges and pin our work of our final 26 letters and 6 glyphs on the tracing paper onto the wall. We then stood up in out partners and talked about why we did it the way we did.

Jordan spoke first, for me he did a illustrated type with all my main interest corporated for example dancing, going out etc... I then spoke about his and said I choose to do mine the way i did due to his love for skateboarding and retro type. The mixture has worked quite well although   some of my feedback was that the meaning and adaptation behind the alphabet was very strong but it worked better for some letterforms than it did for others. So therefore I am going to advance on my letterforms that I think would be better if redeveloped.

This is my poster institute on the wall within our critique, mine about Jordan is bottom right & Jordan's about me is top right.
This is my poster close up on the wall.

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