Friday 5 October 2012

Alphabet Soup: Visual Thinking Crit & Evaluation

Evaluation of Brief Alphabet Soup 1

When I received the word GLOW out of the randomiser I was very unsure and didnt have any thoughts come to mind before my research began. I think the research process was also very hard because you only had one word to develop on. I started by getting other definitions of glow and finding objects/things that glow. I then went to research on other websites such as and where my idea of using the media chalk on black card would represent glow very well. From my research I gathered I used the words and objects to develop my 10 examples, the things that i thought that worked was the use of media and how effective it was for my concept of glow. I think that some of them was very simular and which i would change next time and do more indepth research into thinking out of the box instead of literal. 

Group Critique of Alphabet Soup 1

We firstly had to present our 10 examples to a group of 10 people and explain why you did them the way you have. Then we each windled them down to 5 each and then put them up on the wall, as displayed above. We then moved aorund tables so we was sat on another groups table looking at their wall.

 We then had to windle this groups down to 5 overall out of the groups 5 examples each. This was our 5 that was the best overall. We choose them due to there clarity and concept behind the image.

One of my 5 letters was one of the final 5 from another groups choice. We then decided one to win overall but sadly, mine didnt get to that point.

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