Monday 8 October 2012

What is Graphic Design? - Part 1


Group discussion about our Creative Field Choices.

We was asked to get into our blog groups and shortly present our choices of design to communicate our creative field. We seperately went round the table and we all wrote down bullet points of things people like and why they chose them.

Danielle Yearsley
  • Artist she most admires
  • Using inks and washes
  • Patterns & textiles
  • Light & Dark mixture of tones.
Harrison Park
  • Simple & Geometric
  • Type
  • Minimalist  - Gets to point.
  • Infographs - How you can turn essays into design
  • Structured grids - Precise
Izzy Tanner
  • Simple & Minimalist
  • Words & Images
  • Branding & Packaging
Emily Lodge
  • Layout
  • Julien Vallee - MTV Ad
  • Mixture of fine art & design
  • Screen Printing
Sean Connolly
  • Civil engineering - Thought & planning
  • Swiss design - Simple
  • Inforgraphics
  • CD/DVD & Magazine design
  • Cartoon design
J Harrison
  • Graffiti - Spray paint art
  • Screen printing
  • Different effects - Burning/melting
  • Unstructure type

The ones they picked out when I spoke was:

  • Papercraft - Quilling etc...
  • Digital Collage - Textures/Patterns
  • Different Industries - No specific area as of yet
  • Jung Matt Von - Supersize pop-up (Ambi Pur Ad)

Then we made a list of the groups most common interests:

  1. Simple/Minimal
  2. Infographs
  3. Type & Layout
  4. Branding
  5. Screen Printing
  6. Structured
  7. Textures

Then we made a list of the years most common interests:

  1. Creative use of type
  2. Visual quality
  3. Tone of voice (humourous etc...)
  4. Detail
  5. Simplicity/Minimalistic
  6. Hidden Meanings/Messages
  7. Interactive Advertising (Audience Engagement)
  8. Style/Aesthetic
  9. Media & Production
  10. Form/Format
  11. Personal interest/content
  12. Type & Illustration
  13. Word play/Language
  14. Structure & Layout
We have then got to choose 5 criteria and find designs for each criteria:


I love the detail created through illustrator with no black likes and different tones of colour. 

The detail within these paper models are amazing. Each indivual piece of paper has been hand crafted to connote a feather and indivual molded to the bird. Also the scene set with tree and diamonds as been well thought out and attention has been made to the littlest things.

I like the backgroung to this picture as it make sit more interesting with the carefullt watercoloured flower and the background looks like a wash or ink.

I like illustrated type it is always so intricate and detailed all the little bubbles shapes are handed crafted and like this throughout the whole alphabet.

I like the detail within the illustration of the birds. And the type also makes the branches look very intricate as it looks a simular stroke.

The detail within this is so intricate and i love the way they have used fineliner to create this effect which makes the detail stand out even more.

This is a bit out of the ordinary as its not in a away the design in created in detail but i like how they have changed the effect to make the fingerprints stand out. 

I like textures and materials so therefore i like how they have mixed many different textures together to make a flower which also compliment each other very well. 

This is a Rob Ryan laser cut piece i love papercut and his work is the most detailed piece of design I have come across.

The drawing and background of this letter form is very detailed as the fibres have been brought out using a dark shade of the same colour.

This is a Juan Matt Von each piece was individual cut and then placed which therefore makes it very intricate and detailed due to all the noticeable individual pieces.

This is a logo for Art TV Channel in which every cartoon ahs been made individually and thn put together i like the different stories behind the logo again i ike the simplistic, no black outline to detailled illustrator drawing.

Interactive Advertising

This is an advertisment for and therefore they are giving away free matchsticks as they are struck together to create fire and thats suppose to connote passion. 

Something as simple as a leaflet that tells you to do something and you do it is interactive advertising. 

This is a campaign for japan and they are making people to stop and make a paper crane to create a thousand as in Japan is means a thousand paper cranes brings luck and joy. And they say they will help to reconstruct Japan.

This is a clever interactive ad as this is for a yoga instrutor as this is what she makes you do with your body.

An interactive design will help women see the difference and therefore hopefully buy there product. 

This is a advertisement for a washing powder it was just a blank pale blue page when inside but when in the sun it reveals this message.

This is just an ad for interactive advertisement.

I like this one as people dont nessarily see the ad but are still taking part in the advertisement. 

This looks very cool and not nessarily will make you want to go buy some weights but will make the brand itself well known. 

This was created in France at a train station sponsoring a skii company and you could sit yourself in the scene of the alps.

This is a great advert sitting on a comfy sofa would really promote there sales.

I personally love this advert and this is a great advert very interactive especially for children.

This is a very good idea of McDonalds due to they will go into McDonalds getting a free sundae and more than likely buy something else too. You are been interactive by taking a photo and going to the restaurant itself.


This is a childrens book design which i think is very appropriate with the colour scheme and looks very fresh. 

I love this piece i came across the different papercuttiing skills to help the letters stand out in different ways. I especially like the stud like cut out which is very much spot on trend at the mo.

This is very good branding for coffee i came across this on designinspriration. The whole colour scheme is very god due to the eco theme with using brown paper bag etc...

I like the style of this design due to the watercoours used and simplicity of the piece. The type is also a very delicate typeface.

The whole layout of this i think is very clever it is very chaotic but it works very well.

I like the style of this due to the digital collage of the photography
cut out and placed seperately.

This has come up again cause i love the colours and the style of quilling is a very loved style of mine.  

Digital Collage again i love how they have placed images and type and layered them on top of each other to create a great layout. 

This is a piece of self branding i came across i loved the whole 3D look of this using paper and the simple colour pallette.

Si Scott i love as i love the flowing type faces he does to create great typography posters.

I love the style of colour scheme in these they look very washed out by this is also i style i love.

I love the simplistic look of this and how the typefaces are none of the same but go together very well. The style looks very luxury or royalty.


Word Play/ Language

I love the play with words here, the use of seperation in the actual word as well helps with the break up of words to create the logo. 

I think this is extremely clever i actually see the fish as an object before i see the word FISH! Although it is very ledgible is has been very well structured together.

I like this one as i like how the ssize of the font gets bigger and not just straight up adds more realistic touch to the logo.

I love this how the number 8 has been used to make all letters on this logo very relative and works well as a logo.

This is a very popular one which I still find funny! I can even make out the word as when first looked i thought it was a underscore to connote a missing word. The i is the most relevant as it looks like it has a head and a body seperately.

I like how they have used the meaning within the word.

The use of the pendulum as part of the type. This links both of the words together very well.

The connection of the united to the artist is relevant as it connotes the meaning into the logo also it creates the capitals in to a pencil/pen outine.

I like how they have put the digital clock into the time with one digit at front then the colons and the two letters at the end connotes minutes.

I like this how they have used not only wheels as O but also lowered them below the baseline to make the word look like a moving vehicle which connotes the title.

The arrow is all interlinked to create the words up with the arrow ending up to the top.

How many peppers can you see?

I like the play with the hand symbol and the logo.

Layout & Structure

I like how the typefaces are all different but i like how they are all jusified and precise. 

I love how they have surrounded the types with images and how they have broken up the sentences.

In this typography poster I love how all letters are usified but the swirly bits come out of the box. Also i like how each word baseline is flowing with the one below. 

This simplistc editorial design looks so fresh and crisp I love how they have bleed over the double page spread. 

Here this books layout is full of negative space but i like how the word is split up over the spine and front cover but you could read it either say you looked at it even though you only see half of the word.

I like how they have used the negative space from the man shouting to a graffiti block with full of colour that grabs your attention then your eyes go down to the bodycopy. 

I like the style of this book looks screen printed maybe more etched as it looks more texturised. 

The whole image lining up with the text makes it really easy to the eye and the structure flows really easily. 

I love the use of the colour pallette and how the design has used them through blocks of colour. With all the negative space equally all the way around.

The simple pallette colour works really well and the style of the font goes with the type as its serifs are very pointy and the quotes very cowboy style! 

This style i really love the broken down type with repition of word. I think this is the only reason how you can make the word out as your mind place them all together.

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