Wednesday 14 May 2014

End Of Module Evaluation

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I believe I have become more confident when it comes to thinking about contacting studios and how to approach them. When I first started this year I avoided this question totally although now I would be happy to go to a studio & ask them questions about there practice.

I have never thought about setting up my own studio before as I thought that this would be a very hard process. Although through this module within PPP I feel that I would be confident to set up a studio in collaboration with others. This is a big step and I feel I have definitely achieve this big step since this is a new horizon that I never thought I would ever be able to achieve.

My promo pack is very informative and I would have put all the no-gos on that john has told us for example why would you grade your software skills this is a very good point that I have never thought of before. We are learning from the outside world of the industry of how people that are going to give you a job rather than from your peers etc…

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I believe that I have made the most of the creative CV I can. I haven’t included much informative information because I believe that they will get to know me personally rather than through the CV. If they like my design they will make a decision upon that and then invite me for a talk.
I wanted to create a promotion pack that would correspond to the way that I work. I think having the CV as a wallet to hold the other elements of promotion tells them that I am organised and have a purpose for all elements of my design.

I like the way I have design the CV as I can control the order that they read my CV in and then go onto the other elements such as the portfolio & business card.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I believe that one of my strengths is the reflection that I have produced when designing my work. I have made sure that all elements are not just because I like them but to make sure that each element means something about my practice and me.

I worked well within the collaboration for the group business set up. I met deadlines and made sure I got my opinions across this is something I have developed as I before I just took a back seat and and let others make decisions for me.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

One weakness I believe that within my work is my time management for my branding I have let other deadlines take priority when I should have spent more time on this as this is what is making me as a designer. I do believe that I got a lot done in the time I set and to the highest possible standard but I wish the deadlines were more spaced out, possibly with the group task before Christmas so this would have been the only PPP task to concentrate on is the second part of term.

Another weakness in my work is proofreading I need to make sure I leave time to proofread my work before printing as I have notice a few grammar mistakes and therefore this would have a big impression on to the studio that I am sending my pack out to.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1.     I would like to code my website rather than just proposing it, as I believe this is a big promotional tool when it comes to branding yourself and getting yourself out there and know within the public.

2.     I am going to make sure that I don’t show my mistakes within my presentation as this is something John pulled up on, because I showed my pack but my first mock-up and therefore I said this is just a mock-up not a final thing I am not too happy with this but my other one I have had printed today has not been cut out.

3.     I need to make sure that I blog when I do the work rather than doing it when it comes to the deadline as this is when things get missed out and therefore effects my overall grade. The tasks are also an issue as sometimes I don’t do them straight away and then don’t understand what the question is asking aftertime.

4.     I am going to make sure that I contribute within lessons more as this is something that will build my confidence. When I spoke out within the collaboration for one of the briefs I felt that I could voice my opinion and it was been listened too unlike times before.

Finally, I am going to make sure that I look for more sources online such as books or magazines. As I found a very handy magazine that what majorly helpful for the business module and therefore this helped me understand and swot up after classes.

Grading self in the possible areas:

Attendance                           5
Punctuality                            5
Motivation                             4
Commitment                         4
Quantity of Work                   4
Quality of Work                      3
Contribution to the group     4

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