Monday 12 May 2014

Part 2: Postcard For Practice

 So form researching for my promo pack, I decided that I wanted to create some postcards that they can put around there studio, as it is easy to pin up. I think that I want to use some context within these as most of them I have a seen have just been their work.

When thinking about my practice I worked out the three D's. Drawing, Doing (Crafting) & Designing. I realised that these all expressed me and the way I work so therefore decided to include this within the postcards. Use the D as a focus and then categories one of my pieces of work with the letter D. So they would be double sided one side the letter and title and the other my work & keywords to that project.

 This is design, so therefore I used the keywords of branding, editorial & promotion as these are the areas I love to work within. I designed the D also to match the keyword on the front. Again I have used the same blue colour to make sure that it is apparent to my branding.

 Again this is the same. I created the D through the idea of cross stitching as then I thought they would get the idea of my meaning behind do with hand rendered crafting etc....

Finally draw, I don't necessarily drawn with pencil or pens but I do draw regularly on the computer in illustrator therefore I thought I would express this through the D.

These are all going to be held together by a belly band that will say the 3 D's this will explain my concept. Then they will understand what to expect. They will be curious to open ad they will be wondering what the three Ds are.

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