Wednesday 14 May 2014

PPP Presentation

I feel that my presentation fullfilled all the points that John requested. I have practiced it a couple of time and each time it has been between 6-7 mnutes therefore this is a perfect time...

What to put it presentation:

Promo Pack
Briefs I enjoyed!
Least proud moment.
What I have learnt?
What I haven't enjoyed!
What I want to do over summer?

What I want to do in level 6?
Who do I want to contact?
What do I want to get out of PPP?

These are points that John told us to cover & I have added in other aspects that I thought was important about my development within my year.

Here is my Presentation.....

Here are my notes that I put under each slide to make sure that I didn't lose what I was going to say as this is major downfall of mine when under pressure. I forget words and then this becomes difficult to pick myself back up again.  

Slide 1:
So Here is my branding logo….

Slide 2:
I decided to use a hand rendered initial M, as I am just going to name my practice Melissa Gater Graphic Designer & Illustrator. I chose the colour teal as I see the colour to have a very calm & collective representation, in which I think is a good representation for the way I work. When I researched into this also, the theory behind the colour is also that it is suppose to build confidence when people look at it. Therefore this will reflect on to my clients that they can trust me with their work.

Slide 3:
For my promo pack I didn’t just want to have a plain old CV, I wanted something different! So I decided to create something to hold my other aspects of my branding. So therefore this will be included in my promo pack when I give it out to studios. Its a wrap fold with a pocket in the middle which will hold a mini portfolio & also a set of postcards that represent the different ways I work.

Slide 4:
Design For Web & Print: This was a good brief, I enjoyed the whole branding process. With the ability to do packaging also.
Wedding Invites: This was for the responsive module, my friends sister is getting married next year and therefore asked me to design their save the date and the invitations. As you can tell by the style they are getting married in a barn & wanted something with a WOW factor to set the scene for the big day!
Design For Print: This was something that really brought me out of my comfort zone & made me test things I wouldn’t do normally & I thoroughly enjoyed it! I liked my concept of a look book of finishes with separate individual books on how to… So people could just admire the finishes if they already knew about the process.
Focused mainly on Product & Packaging, & branding & identity this is something I have found a new found love for.

Slide 5:
The reason why I think that this was my least proud moment, is because I had such high expectations & I thought that I would be able to make it look somewhat like a website. When in actual fact it ended up having to be very basic and a few elements that I was proud of because I found out the coding myself.

Slide 6:
Basic Coding
Branding (Fully-Brand Guidelines)
Working Professionally with clients – working for others rather than for my self!
The basics of how to start-up a company!
Competition briefs  

Slide 7:
I want to get my promo pack sent out to studios.
Make a website & make it live. I think I am going to need a long time for this and total devotion and therefore this will be a good time to do this.
Find placements.
Visit Studios
Have Fun! (Summertime Ball, Shrek the musical, Wicked the musical)
Go on Holiday!

Slide 8:
I want to use my crafting skills either through type or 3D objects. This is something I explored on ED and thoroughly enjoyed it but never got chance to do it on this course as it was hard to fit within modules.
Using stock to enhance design, I use coloured stock with black in or use it when screen printing but never use full colour laser print on coloured stock & this is something I would like to take advantage of as I have seen some nice work using this technique.
Augmented Design? Although, I didn’t like coding – but it looks cool!

Slide 9:
The chance/ability of setting up a studio – never thought I would set up a studio in a million years but it has made me think when we was doing that brief of why not? And never say never!
Learn from others experiences! You never make the same mistake twice. 

Slide 10:
This is a new chapter within the book & it doesn’t seem like two minutes ago since we were sat in this room saying well its the start of your second year! You told us it was going to fly by but we thought NOOOO! So thats the push, to make sure we start as we mean to go on! At the start of second year I don’t think I was ready & we didn’t have an actual set brief for a while & I took that as  a chance to sit back & relax but now I realise that it was such a wrong decision!!!

I felt the presentation went well, I was very nervous at the beginning but I calmed down towards the end. I am happy with the amount that I remembered as I didn't use the points too much and therefore my presentation skills where better. 
I felt as though I got the most important point out and therefore I was happy because normally when I sit down I normally think i should have said this and this. But this time I was happy with my performance.

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