Monday 12 May 2014

Part 2: Letter Header & Compliment Slip Development

 I firstly used the logo that is on the back of my business card and also on the front of my promo pack. But then I realised that this doesn't have any uniqueness about it. I like the use of the contact details across the bottom. The thin line is breaking the bodycopy of the information and the details at the bottom so there is no confusion.

 Then I used the logo that is on the front of the business card. I feel this looks better but overall I think that the loop could be continued across the page and therefore lead them across the page.

This is much better I feel the letter will be much more framed now and will be read with easier due to the lead around the page. Now I think I need to add my name under like the business crad to make sure we keep consistency.

 This is my final letter head. I think this is much better, the logo is been interpreted in a different again but, the M is still the same so therefore the recognition shouldn't be effected. I always use the same colours & always have my name placed under the logo.

 Compliments Slip

At first I didn't see the point in doing a compliments slip, because your clients work more than likely the work getting sent straight to them from the printers and therefore when would you give them this? I was then talking to a peer and he said that you could always send it digitally. I really like this idea and therefore I decided to keep it.

 I have done it in the same style as the letter this is to make sure it is consistant. I have types with compliments. But I am not too sure on it. I like the idea of hand written to make the message more personal. Therefore I think I would scan in a hand written with compliments when sending it digitally and then personally hand write each message when sending work directly to the client.

So this is the final outcome, I have placed all the contact information differently due to when the info was along the bottom it took up too much space and the slip looked crammed.

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