Tuesday 13 May 2014

Website Frames

This is my website I have not needed to develop this is anyway as because my brand is very prominent now, I feel that it all just slotted in and I was happy with it. I might not be happy enough with it when it comes to making it live but at the moment I am happy with the layout & design. I feel it is very in-keeping with my brand as a whole.

I am planning on making this website live over the holidays as I want time to make sure it doesn't interrupt anything else. I am excited about this as it is something I didn't enjoy this year but feel that this is due to the lack of experience. Maybe self teach myself somethings to make sure I have a better understanding as I do have the CSS & HTML book which is every help with the set up.

I did research before starting out my website as I wasn't sure what pages to have.  I have restricted myself to only four pages up to now as I don't have a lot of work that I would like to put on. So I have decided what I felt was the most important parts for my clients to see and what I want them to see...

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