Thursday 8 May 2014

Part 2: Business Card

This was the first design I have come up with for my business card, as I thought that the use of the initial M as my logo would benefit from incorporating that with my name. But I am not too keen on this design. I think it makes it more difficult to read and confusing to the eye I read Gater first rather than Melissa Gater.

This is my second design, I have added the flick as I wanted to join the two logos from my branding on to my business card to keep this consistency equal. I have kept the shape of the M the same so its just the situe that its within. So it can be in a circle or can have an extended end depending on the layout. But I still think that identity will be consistent and understandable because of the M been the main focus.

I think tried it centered as I didn't know whether the second design looked top heavy. But I don't think this works as good as the second one.

Then I thought about right aligning it, although I think this looks too top heavy and therefore I have completely ruled this out.

I decided to stick with the second design as I think with a second look. It looks balance due to the name balancing out the lettering. I have started to add in colour as I thought it would be crucial to make sure that my logo could work in monochrome as well as colour for when money is low. Although, I like this colour of the deep rich pinky purple I think that the colour is not suitable for branding.

I then tried the teal blue colour, as I decided to research into colour theme and the connotations behind it. This blue turquoise colour connoted calming and I believe this is my way of practice. Also, it is suppose to betray confidence on to people that are viewing.

I think that this layout has too much text & I think if i have icons this will be easier to the eye rather than scanning through the whole paragraph

This is the back with the icons I think this is much more easy to the eye and easier to find a number. I have chose to place these in a grey colour as I wanted the main focus on the number rather than the icons. The order I have placed the contact details are strategically placed due to the order I would prefer them to contact me from top to bottom.

I wish I had more time for this module, so that I could do something craft to represent my practice more. I think this is something I am going to develop in the holidays. I would also like to try paint edging so that it adds another dimension. I have seen a few informative tutorials online so I am going to give these a go and see how they turn out. This is when I have more time to use my craft skills to there fullest.

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